I can remember a time when I dreaded getting out of bed in the morning. I woke up feeling defeated even before my feet hit the floor. My work life held the illusion of autonomy, but in fact I was sacrificing my vision in support of someone else’s. I felt angry and resentful most of the time. Each day started as it ended, with resistance.
The truth is I was trying to make a living instead of building a life. I didn't like what I was doing. I knew I was willing to contribute to the unified effort, but not at the expense of my own vision. And so I quit, garnering valuable insights in the process.
When we over-allow, or give at the expense of ourselves, we end up feeling angry, then resentful. Sacrifice breeds resentment. Resentment spawns guilt and guilt triggers the repetition of sacrifice. There’s a difference between being of service and taking on the role of servant.
How do you know if you are overly allowing or sacrificing in the name of service - ask yourself. Questioning the reality we find ourselves in really does work! I find that when I consciously ‘clue track’ any situation, and get into communication with the well-spring of wisdom within me, the answer comes.
Anyone can do this. Start by asking specific questions. If you find that what you’re engaged with has you operating out of sync with your mission, investigate further. Here’s where the fun starts. As a result of questioning our reality, we often get the opportunity to do what we love (and be paid well for it).
Each of us has a unique offering to make. When we miss our shot in the firing sequence, we don’t just cheat ourselves, we muck up the works across the board. When I honor the authentic expression of who I AM, I serve that presence in everyone.
Here’s a quick check list I found useful in raising the bar for my Self awareness;
1)I Am operating consistent with my desire 'TO' rather than my fear 'not to'.
2)I Am in alighment with my vision version of reality.
3)I Am taking action and living my dream.
4)I Am in sync with my highest and best.
5)I Am eager and willing to take my next steps now.
If you could NOT honestly answer 'yes' to all of the above, then it's probably time to reevaluate the situation you are in.
Truth is the key is always in the cage isn’t it! Our consciousness holds all the solutions. We can't live another's dream but we can make sure we never give up on our own.
Bottom line, there’s no hover. We either move forward or backward. Discovering the corner we’ve painted ourselves into, is always cause for celebration. Getting off dead center and risking it all, pulls the trigger on movement forward.
So go for it and have a great time in the process . . .you deserve it!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Reformatting The Hard Drives Of Humanity
Following the energy and clue tracking has always been key for me in personal development. Years ago I engaged with a slew of indigenous practices and found that all the teachings had a common denominator. . . .ritual observance of natural patterns.
Clearly I saw this as a clue unlocking a door to a bigger reality. I started noticing how I felt during new and full lunations and seasonal changes. The more connected I was to my own energy around the ritual observance, the better educated I became on how to use the energy successfully.
Did you know that at every new and full moon we receive an info download that stimulates the pineal gland, (the area associated with our thrid eye) and that this lil gismo operates as a cosmic GPS, locating our consciousness in time, space and dimension? I found this info useful in helping me track clues associated with the energy being stimulated in, through and around me during various moon phases.
As we move into the Aries new moon, the first new moon of the new spring season here in the northern hemisphere, I'm picking up on the energy it is manifesting for a fresh start. I'm feeling enlivened by the energy of desire for change. I'm anxious to charge forward and head out in a new direction. I'm excited at the idea of granting my curiosity permission to surge. I'm ready for a bright vision to manifest.
This is the ground breaking time of the year here. A time when we plant that which we hope to reap later on. It's also a good time to tally up wins and losses, let go of what has not born fruit, clear away debris hindering new growth and set our sites on forward motion. The process of refine or release is important at this time because without it we can't focus on what to cultivate.
It is amazing the perfection of the universe, isn't it. Here we have an alignment of stars, planets and galaxies positioned in such a way as to literally support the restructuring of consciousness. Energetically there could not be a better time to resript or repattern our beliefs and install new programming.
Letting go of that which is not working does not have to be difficult either. If you think you can, 'YOU CAN' - especially right now! If the content in your life doesn't 'up your frequency and shift your vibe' change the context. No kidding, there's no time like a new moon to do somehting different. Trust your intuitive knowing and let your natural GPS lead here.
This new moon packs plenty of potential for bright new beginnings. The healing energy associated with it, offers great support for taking that leap of faith. And with that said, don't be surprised if during this new moon, whatever was seeking your attention back in January, is back in front of you requesting resolution.
If you are in the northern hemisphere use the energy of this new moon to till the soil of your consciousness before planting the seeds of your new vision and you'll be ready for the fast growth of a very productive next season.
If you are in the southern hemisphere you too can bennefit by flexing the muscle of introspection to clear away what's no longer needed in preparation for your season of renewal.
Truth is a full cup always needs to be emptied before it can be refilled. We can all win right now by hitting the delete button on Old programs and making room for the cosmic download of high vibe energy accompanying this new moon.
Here's something that may be useful for you. Use a question/answer format to get in touch with what your higher vibrational self is seeking to express through you. Ask: "What would it take for me to" and put in the one thing you have been thinking aobut taking a risk on. If you don't get an answer right away don't give up, rephrase the question and don't for get to listen for the answer.
New moons invite new beginnings. What insights and awarenesses have been generated for you during this time? Got any tips for others on how to interact with the energies of the cosmos?
Clearly I saw this as a clue unlocking a door to a bigger reality. I started noticing how I felt during new and full lunations and seasonal changes. The more connected I was to my own energy around the ritual observance, the better educated I became on how to use the energy successfully.
Did you know that at every new and full moon we receive an info download that stimulates the pineal gland, (the area associated with our thrid eye) and that this lil gismo operates as a cosmic GPS, locating our consciousness in time, space and dimension? I found this info useful in helping me track clues associated with the energy being stimulated in, through and around me during various moon phases.
As we move into the Aries new moon, the first new moon of the new spring season here in the northern hemisphere, I'm picking up on the energy it is manifesting for a fresh start. I'm feeling enlivened by the energy of desire for change. I'm anxious to charge forward and head out in a new direction. I'm excited at the idea of granting my curiosity permission to surge. I'm ready for a bright vision to manifest.
This is the ground breaking time of the year here. A time when we plant that which we hope to reap later on. It's also a good time to tally up wins and losses, let go of what has not born fruit, clear away debris hindering new growth and set our sites on forward motion. The process of refine or release is important at this time because without it we can't focus on what to cultivate.
It is amazing the perfection of the universe, isn't it. Here we have an alignment of stars, planets and galaxies positioned in such a way as to literally support the restructuring of consciousness. Energetically there could not be a better time to resript or repattern our beliefs and install new programming.
Letting go of that which is not working does not have to be difficult either. If you think you can, 'YOU CAN' - especially right now! If the content in your life doesn't 'up your frequency and shift your vibe' change the context. No kidding, there's no time like a new moon to do somehting different. Trust your intuitive knowing and let your natural GPS lead here.
This new moon packs plenty of potential for bright new beginnings. The healing energy associated with it, offers great support for taking that leap of faith. And with that said, don't be surprised if during this new moon, whatever was seeking your attention back in January, is back in front of you requesting resolution.
If you are in the northern hemisphere use the energy of this new moon to till the soil of your consciousness before planting the seeds of your new vision and you'll be ready for the fast growth of a very productive next season.
If you are in the southern hemisphere you too can bennefit by flexing the muscle of introspection to clear away what's no longer needed in preparation for your season of renewal.
Truth is a full cup always needs to be emptied before it can be refilled. We can all win right now by hitting the delete button on Old programs and making room for the cosmic download of high vibe energy accompanying this new moon.
Here's something that may be useful for you. Use a question/answer format to get in touch with what your higher vibrational self is seeking to express through you. Ask: "What would it take for me to" and put in the one thing you have been thinking aobut taking a risk on. If you don't get an answer right away don't give up, rephrase the question and don't for get to listen for the answer.
New moons invite new beginnings. What insights and awarenesses have been generated for you during this time? Got any tips for others on how to interact with the energies of the cosmos?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Focus - Number One Strategy For The Successful Entrepreneur
Focus always narrows the possibility for confusion – yet even in the knowing of this, which most of us do, it is often quite the challenge. It is however paramount that we flex that muscle of discipline often enough, to strengthen our ability to center. Without balance we veer off course and once off course, success is dubious.
It can’t be denied that there is an abundance of tools available for marketing biz opps - each looking better than the last, (the intended focus of good marketing). We may even think we need them all. Yet none of them do much to benefit our bottom line, unless used with focus. When we engage with new techniques short term, we short change ourselves.
The more I shift ad and marketing gears midstream, the less success I have. Confliction between having what I want and doing what I need to do to get it, arises when my commitment wanes. A psycho analyst could likely track this behavior pattern back to early childhood and a gaggle of issues surrounding commitment. But ‘understanding’ alone is indeed the booby prize here. I have to take action, do something different or I’ll keep getting the same results.
Focus is diluted whenever we lack the discipline to lean into a situation, instead of veering away from it. Persistence flies in the face of impatience. Short little attention spans and the desire for instant gratification, are the culprits here. Learning how to focus more on being than doing, is paramount too when seeking to succeed.
We have become programmed to eek out the latest and best, then gather it unto us, whether we need it or not. Adding to our collection of things and stuff, we insulate ourselves with more than we can use. This is a coping mechanism for surviving unpredictability.
We suffer from the need for more, better, different because variety has become the new stability. Change has become the Talisman of our times.
Fragmentation and confusion are the hallmark energies associated with a lack of focus. In our quest to expand our horizons we’ve become overexposed to an endless number of possibilities. Multi tasking, once believed to be key in the management of our time, has dealt a death blow to our ability to focus.
When we relax into the moment, the doors to inspiration open wide. This is the discipline needed for the cultivation of focus. Focus is a natural by-product of inspiration. The power lies in our ability to be consistent. With this piece in place we set solid the foundation for success. Otherwise we flip and flop like fish out of water, at effect of change instead of at cause.
Success strategies require we seek first to be, before striving to do. Without context, content has no home. We will never have what we say we want by doing more.
Establishing a good relationship with persistence and maintaining a ‘can do’ mindset aligns us with the vibration of focus, ultimately attracting success. Committing to a specific plan of action and sticking to it, instead of test driving many for fear of missing out on one, favors fortune as well.
Truth is at the end of the day it all boils down to the numbers, either we have them or we need them. It is just that simple.
Best sage wisdom – do what works.
It can’t be denied that there is an abundance of tools available for marketing biz opps - each looking better than the last, (the intended focus of good marketing). We may even think we need them all. Yet none of them do much to benefit our bottom line, unless used with focus. When we engage with new techniques short term, we short change ourselves.
The more I shift ad and marketing gears midstream, the less success I have. Confliction between having what I want and doing what I need to do to get it, arises when my commitment wanes. A psycho analyst could likely track this behavior pattern back to early childhood and a gaggle of issues surrounding commitment. But ‘understanding’ alone is indeed the booby prize here. I have to take action, do something different or I’ll keep getting the same results.
Focus is diluted whenever we lack the discipline to lean into a situation, instead of veering away from it. Persistence flies in the face of impatience. Short little attention spans and the desire for instant gratification, are the culprits here. Learning how to focus more on being than doing, is paramount too when seeking to succeed.
We have become programmed to eek out the latest and best, then gather it unto us, whether we need it or not. Adding to our collection of things and stuff, we insulate ourselves with more than we can use. This is a coping mechanism for surviving unpredictability.
We suffer from the need for more, better, different because variety has become the new stability. Change has become the Talisman of our times.
Fragmentation and confusion are the hallmark energies associated with a lack of focus. In our quest to expand our horizons we’ve become overexposed to an endless number of possibilities. Multi tasking, once believed to be key in the management of our time, has dealt a death blow to our ability to focus.
When we relax into the moment, the doors to inspiration open wide. This is the discipline needed for the cultivation of focus. Focus is a natural by-product of inspiration. The power lies in our ability to be consistent. With this piece in place we set solid the foundation for success. Otherwise we flip and flop like fish out of water, at effect of change instead of at cause.
Success strategies require we seek first to be, before striving to do. Without context, content has no home. We will never have what we say we want by doing more.
Establishing a good relationship with persistence and maintaining a ‘can do’ mindset aligns us with the vibration of focus, ultimately attracting success. Committing to a specific plan of action and sticking to it, instead of test driving many for fear of missing out on one, favors fortune as well.
Truth is at the end of the day it all boils down to the numbers, either we have them or we need them. It is just that simple.
Best sage wisdom – do what works.
Monday, February 15, 2010
2010 Internet Marketing Trends - What's Hot & What's Not
Who can afford to be uninformed these days. . . I certainly can't and thought you wouldn't want to be either. That's why I am passing along a few tidbits I took in while surfing a site I can't recall and therefore am not able to properly credit. I can tell you that the pen name is 'Contempo' and the writer posted a phone # 708-714-1680. Please send all Kudos to him/her directly - me, I'm just the messenger.
WHAT'S HOT on the internet marketing runway this year - PAID SEARCH. Why? Because if Bing can lure searches away from Google, Pay per click advertising will drop in price. The truth is however, either way PPC is a "must do" for those looking to dominate the web, using successful online marketing strategies.
Another winner is E-MAIL MARKETING and here's how come. The cost of building a permission-based list in 2010 will not increase. This is good news to the budget-minded advertiser, however - buyer be ware. Due to the sizable number of email addresses gone bad (or just plain gone altogether) as a result of the musical chairs games being played out in companies undergoing deep dimensions of persistent change, you could end up with less (rather than more) bang for your buck. As always, careful research is recommended.
WEB PRESENCE - still hot? OF COURSE, dah!! A web site is a "Must" with-a-bullet always. And in case you haven't heard, "Content Nesting" is totally IN dahling. And yes it is exactly what it sounds like, a place where people can go to hang out, hunker down, dig in, and partake of everything you have to offer, with just one click. No surfing around to a bunch of sites. Although you should make sure your video is on YouTube as well as your personal site, because if it isn't, well, you'll loose the Youtube-only audience and that would be bad. Always remember, when your website content is nested into as many content aggregation sites as possible, you've got traffic baby, and that's good.
The last, but certainly not least, "must have" for 2010 is ONLINE VIDEO. An absolute no-can-do-without....well think about it, everyone knows a picture says a thousand words. Watching a live performance is entertainment and everyone loves to be entertained, even if it isn't an oscar winning performance. Stats show that 30 seconds of YOU LIVE converts to way more green backs than anything else on the market to date.
2010 is a good year to continue testing Search Engine Optimization too. Using more personalized content, key words and links along with social network marketing works, to find out what attracts repeat and referred biz. Coupons, discounts and savings, will be revenue raisers as well this year. Don't be to fast though to cuddle up with trends, as consumers and marketers never get to cozy to quickly. Recognizing the lag time between consumer observation and consumption, is something that could save you time and money. If you want to test mobile marketing, use google Analytics to track results.
As for Blogs, Podcasts and radio ads - well, not so much this year, at lest there's no thumbs up activity on these 3 from the marketing critics. If you're writing a blog to facilitate search engine ranking or to inform followers - go for it. But if you are seeking to attract prospects and convert them to customers, this will require time, effort and persistence on your part, as you will need to write fresh, fun, stimulating content regularly to keep that conversion rate up (lots a competition out there). In other words, your conversion rate of prospects to customers, is only as good as the last offering on your landing page - no survival by 'duplication' here. If this level of high octane performance super charges you do it - if not, don't.
As for podcasts and online radio advertising, don't think twice, just go directly to online video and enjoy the attention, everyone else is.
That's it for now. See ya at the top!
WHAT'S HOT on the internet marketing runway this year - PAID SEARCH. Why? Because if Bing can lure searches away from Google, Pay per click advertising will drop in price. The truth is however, either way PPC is a "must do" for those looking to dominate the web, using successful online marketing strategies.
Another winner is E-MAIL MARKETING and here's how come. The cost of building a permission-based list in 2010 will not increase. This is good news to the budget-minded advertiser, however - buyer be ware. Due to the sizable number of email addresses gone bad (or just plain gone altogether) as a result of the musical chairs games being played out in companies undergoing deep dimensions of persistent change, you could end up with less (rather than more) bang for your buck. As always, careful research is recommended.
WEB PRESENCE - still hot? OF COURSE, dah!! A web site is a "Must" with-a-bullet always. And in case you haven't heard, "Content Nesting" is totally IN dahling. And yes it is exactly what it sounds like, a place where people can go to hang out, hunker down, dig in, and partake of everything you have to offer, with just one click. No surfing around to a bunch of sites. Although you should make sure your video is on YouTube as well as your personal site, because if it isn't, well, you'll loose the Youtube-only audience and that would be bad. Always remember, when your website content is nested into as many content aggregation sites as possible, you've got traffic baby, and that's good.
The last, but certainly not least, "must have" for 2010 is ONLINE VIDEO. An absolute no-can-do-without....well think about it, everyone knows a picture says a thousand words. Watching a live performance is entertainment and everyone loves to be entertained, even if it isn't an oscar winning performance. Stats show that 30 seconds of YOU LIVE converts to way more green backs than anything else on the market to date.
2010 is a good year to continue testing Search Engine Optimization too. Using more personalized content, key words and links along with social network marketing works, to find out what attracts repeat and referred biz. Coupons, discounts and savings, will be revenue raisers as well this year. Don't be to fast though to cuddle up with trends, as consumers and marketers never get to cozy to quickly. Recognizing the lag time between consumer observation and consumption, is something that could save you time and money. If you want to test mobile marketing, use google Analytics to track results.
As for Blogs, Podcasts and radio ads - well, not so much this year, at lest there's no thumbs up activity on these 3 from the marketing critics. If you're writing a blog to facilitate search engine ranking or to inform followers - go for it. But if you are seeking to attract prospects and convert them to customers, this will require time, effort and persistence on your part, as you will need to write fresh, fun, stimulating content regularly to keep that conversion rate up (lots a competition out there). In other words, your conversion rate of prospects to customers, is only as good as the last offering on your landing page - no survival by 'duplication' here. If this level of high octane performance super charges you do it - if not, don't.
As for podcasts and online radio advertising, don't think twice, just go directly to online video and enjoy the attention, everyone else is.
That's it for now. See ya at the top!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Winter Olympics - Another Powerful Opportunity To Raise Collective Consciousness
I have been working with The New Age Study of Humanities Purpose, headed up by Patricia Cota-Robles for more than 20 years. Patricia's work is always spot on and I consider it a privilege to be associated with someone who consistently takes the conversation higher, regarding the evolution of consciousness.
The article that follows is important because Patricia illustrates how each of us individually can participate in the raising of the collective consciousness by doing something as simple as tuning in to the Olympic Games.
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Whenever we have the opportunity to join in consciousness with the masses of Humanity, we can add to the Light of the world in very significant ways. This weekend is one of those opportunities. Tomorrow night, February 12, 2010, we will witness the Opening Ceremonies for the XXI Winter Olympic Games. It is estimated that over four billion people will watch this event. The Olympics are always a powerful time to add to the Light of the world, because the Divine Intent is for this global event to be an outer-world demonstration of the Family of Humanity joining together in pursuit of our highest level of excellence.
The collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness will be established with the Opening Ceremonies, and it will build in momentum through the Closing Ceremonies which will take place February 28, 2010. Throughout this entire time, we can ask the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of everyone on the planet to gather up the energy being released through Humanity’s focused attention on this event. We can purify the energy with the Violet Flame and consecrate the energy to be utilized for the highest good of all Life evolving on this Earth.
On Saturday, February 13, 2010, we will experience a very powerful New Moon that is being enhanced by some celestial alignments that are empowering the frequencies of Divine Love throughout the Universe. How perfect that this alignment is occurring on the eve of the day that is celebrated throughout the world as a Day of Love, Valentine’s Day.
During this Cosmic Moment in the Earth’s evolution, nothing is happening by accident. 2010 has been heralded by the Company of Heaven as the “Year of Manifestation.” This is the year when the archetypes for the New Earth will begin tangibly manifesting in the physical world of form. No frequency of Light is a more powerful catalyst for physical manifestation than the Transfiguring Divine Love of our Father-Mother God. Let’s take full advantage of this amazing opportunity to expand God’s Love through the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child evolving on this sweet Earth.
There will be hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers around the world empowering the following visualization. Let’s join together on a daily basis during the Winter Olympics, February 12-28, 2010, and be the most powerful force of Transfiguring Divine Love we are capable of being.
God Bless YOU for your willingness to add to the Light of the world!
Beloved Father-Mother God, I ask that you now expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love pulsating within every person’s Heart Flame. Create from this Sacred Fire a tremendous Heart of Pure Divine Love to envelop the entire Planet Earth.
This Forcefield of Light now magnetizes the Love of God from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This monumental influx of Light pours in, through, and around every person on Earth and our planetary cause of manifesting Divine Love within the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child.
Our Father-Mother God now send forth a clarion call invoking the Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love to come forth now. Twelve magnificent Solar Archangels of pure Divine Love descend into the atmosphere of Earth. These powerful Archangels take their strategic positions equal distances around the Earth’s equator, as they willingly prepare to assist Humanity with this activity of Light.
As One unified force, the Archangels breathe the Transfiguring Divine Love of God from the very core of Creation into the heart and mind of every person on Earth. This influx of Light flows through every Heart Flame creating a symphony of Transfiguring Divine Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved Mother Earth and ALL her Life.
This influx of Divine Love now penetrates into the 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakra of every person on the planet. The I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child becomes a power point of Light unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other person on Earth, inbreathing, assimilating, expanding, and projecting this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love throughout Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.
The I AM Presence within every person is now the Open Door for this resplendent Light. At inner levels, every person on the planet is experiencing this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love.
Through the I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love, smelling the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this activity of Light, we are all, truly, Love in action. We are collectively changing the core vibration of the primal Light substance, which has gone into creating the present negative conditions manifesting on Earth.
Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, the Twelve Solar Archangels, and the I AM Presence of every Human Being, we are the CAUSE of this Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love now anchored on Earth. Together we have set in place the basic spiritual forces of Divine Love over which Humanity is now Ascending out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.
Unified in consciousness with the Kingdoms of Earth and the Realms of Heaven, we are the Open Door. We are exploring and rediscovering the great Family of God in which we now find complete support for the fulfillment of our Divine Plans.
This is what our Father-Mother God’s magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is attracting into each of us personally and all of us collectively. We are being raised into a profound awakening of Supreme Love consciousness. We are, here and now, the Masters of Love we were always destined to be.
We are Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.
The Twelve Solar Archangels are now intensifying their Light through every person’s Heart Flame. This activity of Light, and every person on the planet, is being lifted into a higher octave of Divine Service. Every person is involved with cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. Each one is being permanently invested with a Cosmic Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield is initiating each of us into a higher order of Divine Service on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this planet as we revel in the unfathomable Light of God.
And so it is!
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.
©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The article that follows is important because Patricia illustrates how each of us individually can participate in the raising of the collective consciousness by doing something as simple as tuning in to the Olympic Games.
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Whenever we have the opportunity to join in consciousness with the masses of Humanity, we can add to the Light of the world in very significant ways. This weekend is one of those opportunities. Tomorrow night, February 12, 2010, we will witness the Opening Ceremonies for the XXI Winter Olympic Games. It is estimated that over four billion people will watch this event. The Olympics are always a powerful time to add to the Light of the world, because the Divine Intent is for this global event to be an outer-world demonstration of the Family of Humanity joining together in pursuit of our highest level of excellence.
The collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness will be established with the Opening Ceremonies, and it will build in momentum through the Closing Ceremonies which will take place February 28, 2010. Throughout this entire time, we can ask the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of everyone on the planet to gather up the energy being released through Humanity’s focused attention on this event. We can purify the energy with the Violet Flame and consecrate the energy to be utilized for the highest good of all Life evolving on this Earth.
On Saturday, February 13, 2010, we will experience a very powerful New Moon that is being enhanced by some celestial alignments that are empowering the frequencies of Divine Love throughout the Universe. How perfect that this alignment is occurring on the eve of the day that is celebrated throughout the world as a Day of Love, Valentine’s Day.
During this Cosmic Moment in the Earth’s evolution, nothing is happening by accident. 2010 has been heralded by the Company of Heaven as the “Year of Manifestation.” This is the year when the archetypes for the New Earth will begin tangibly manifesting in the physical world of form. No frequency of Light is a more powerful catalyst for physical manifestation than the Transfiguring Divine Love of our Father-Mother God. Let’s take full advantage of this amazing opportunity to expand God’s Love through the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child evolving on this sweet Earth.
There will be hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers around the world empowering the following visualization. Let’s join together on a daily basis during the Winter Olympics, February 12-28, 2010, and be the most powerful force of Transfiguring Divine Love we are capable of being.
God Bless YOU for your willingness to add to the Light of the world!
Beloved Father-Mother God, I ask that you now expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love pulsating within every person’s Heart Flame. Create from this Sacred Fire a tremendous Heart of Pure Divine Love to envelop the entire Planet Earth.
This Forcefield of Light now magnetizes the Love of God from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This monumental influx of Light pours in, through, and around every person on Earth and our planetary cause of manifesting Divine Love within the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child.
Our Father-Mother God now send forth a clarion call invoking the Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love to come forth now. Twelve magnificent Solar Archangels of pure Divine Love descend into the atmosphere of Earth. These powerful Archangels take their strategic positions equal distances around the Earth’s equator, as they willingly prepare to assist Humanity with this activity of Light.
As One unified force, the Archangels breathe the Transfiguring Divine Love of God from the very core of Creation into the heart and mind of every person on Earth. This influx of Light flows through every Heart Flame creating a symphony of Transfiguring Divine Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved Mother Earth and ALL her Life.
This influx of Divine Love now penetrates into the 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakra of every person on the planet. The I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child becomes a power point of Light unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other person on Earth, inbreathing, assimilating, expanding, and projecting this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love throughout Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.
The I AM Presence within every person is now the Open Door for this resplendent Light. At inner levels, every person on the planet is experiencing this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love.
Through the I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love, smelling the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this activity of Light, we are all, truly, Love in action. We are collectively changing the core vibration of the primal Light substance, which has gone into creating the present negative conditions manifesting on Earth.
Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, the Twelve Solar Archangels, and the I AM Presence of every Human Being, we are the CAUSE of this Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love now anchored on Earth. Together we have set in place the basic spiritual forces of Divine Love over which Humanity is now Ascending out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.
Unified in consciousness with the Kingdoms of Earth and the Realms of Heaven, we are the Open Door. We are exploring and rediscovering the great Family of God in which we now find complete support for the fulfillment of our Divine Plans.
This is what our Father-Mother God’s magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is attracting into each of us personally and all of us collectively. We are being raised into a profound awakening of Supreme Love consciousness. We are, here and now, the Masters of Love we were always destined to be.
We are Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.
The Twelve Solar Archangels are now intensifying their Light through every person’s Heart Flame. This activity of Light, and every person on the planet, is being lifted into a higher octave of Divine Service. Every person is involved with cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. Each one is being permanently invested with a Cosmic Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield is initiating each of us into a higher order of Divine Service on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this planet as we revel in the unfathomable Light of God.
And so it is!
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.
©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Energy Shifts, Changing Times - How To Navigate
The article by Aluna Joy, "What Are You Feeling Today"? is the offering she is making to the world community, in support of a better, more comprehensive understanding of all that is evolving through each of us.
Aluna is a seasoned traveler on the path of light, someone whose work over the years, I've come to respect and consider valuable to my own growth and development. She has the ability to 'see' beyond what is happening in form and is able to translate energy from the place of context to help others navigate the content of the life situation with greater ease. Here is what she has to say about our changing times"
"What Are You Feeling Today"? Aluna Joy
All life is intimately connected with each other, and all life is affected by this fact. What happens to one happens to all. We are awakening to the fact that we are all ONE. The earth is shifting, changing and ascending, and along with it, so is all of humanity. We always have, and we always will. We cannot avoid this fact. Because we are coming to the end of a huge cycle of time, the effects we are feeling, regarding the shifting, has been greatly amplified and is happening at multiplying rate of speed. It is a wild ride that some float through fairly easy, while others are deeply physically and emotionally affected by the shifts of energy in the collective consciousness. Because of this unavoidable fact, we created this FACEBOOK Ascension Symptoms Support Group to be a global support system for people that are sensitive, empathic, compassionate, psychic, clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and simply open hearted. If you fit that description, we encourage you to join us.
This is not a group for conspiracy theorists, earth change fear mongers, or ones that would prefer to feed these kinds fears. This is not a group for one who like to play being small, helpless of playing the role of the victim. This group’s intent is to defeat the fear that is triggered by the symptoms which sensitive ones might feel regarding ascension, evolution, and the ever changing Earth, and replace them with support, community, love, and harmony. We are not victims! We are awakening, evolving and ascending. This is a group for Warriors of the LIGHT, Warriors for a new world. The more we become ONE with all life, we will discover that we can not heal a mere individual one at a time, it will be vital that we heal the whole to cure the individual. This is the great quest before us now. This is one of the main reasons we have been working with the Solar Wave for 15 years. You can join the Solar Wave here. http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/solarwave.html
Things that trigger ascension symptoms are as varied and diverse as life itself. There are natural occurring events in nature that happen on Earth that undeniably affect everyone on it, whether they recognize it or not. These events include earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, strong weather patterns, floods, solar flares, eclipses, full moons, asteroids, etc…. There are also unnatural occurring events and disasters like, airline crashes, train crashes, terrorist attacks, etc…. Events that really impact sensitive ones are when there is a sudden and huge loss of life, or displacement. Examples of this would be the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Asian tsunami in 2004, hurricane Katrina, and the very recent earthquake in .
Since the earthquake in Haiti , many have been feeling intense hunger, digestive issues,
an overwhelming sense of feeling trapped, and pressure in the chest. Have you been feeling this?
All of these shifts and changes are part of the natural process of evolution and ascension. This can cause sensitive ones a great deal of wide ranging and sometimes very scary, un-diagnosable symptoms. Physically, we can feel exhausted, anxious, nauseous, dizzy, fuzzyheaded, headaches and experience insomnia. We can have tightness in the chest, an empathic heart ache, a feeling of suffocating and/or a feeling of being trapped. We can have wild migrating pains all throughout the body, wild pangs of hunger or not wanting to eat it all. Emotionally, we might feel that something is missing in our life or lose interest in the many things life in this dimension has to offer. We can suffer a lack of ambition and are plagued with procrastination. We might have the urgency to run, move, escape, quit our jobs, and leave our relationships. We are obsessed to find paradise, sanctuary, nirvana, shambala, etc...
Many can feel pulses of energy building, but do not know what this means. Because we don’t know what this means, we take it personally. When we take it personally, we quit talking to each other, because we are embarrassed of our strange symptoms. We feel somehow that we are a failure for feeling these things. We might feel that we are not spiritual enough or advanced enough. Many times we have been called hypochondriacs. Because of this, we isolate ourselves, and we become hermits. This is not how we honor the gift God gave us.
Being a sensitive one is a divine gift. If we want to honor this gift that was given to us, then we must be compelled to develop it, and use it for the greater good. We believe that the Creator of ALL that is, God, or whatever higher power you believe in, feels absolutely everything. The further we wake up, the more we will feel. We are hoping that this group will help you realize that your sensitivities are a gift, and not a curse.
We are hoping that with your participation in this group, WE, the Earth’s sensitives, will be able to step back, and begin to realize that we are all feeling similar things. When we realize this, we can quit taking it personally. This will help us all physically and emotionally to detach so we can survive and have the energy to fulfill our destiny. We hope that this group will also reveal a clear picture of what our symptoms might be telling us. I hope with time that we also might gain inspiration for ways to work with these energies, rather than brace ourselves against the ever-growing, heightened energy. As a group, we can learn to divert, redirect and diminish the miss-qualified creative energies, avert natural and un-natural catastrophes and recycle the energy to create a bright new world.
Welcome to Ascension Symptoms Support Group. We are glad you are here. We hope you find this a safe and secure environment in which to be yourself, share what you are feeling, and be a priceless support to ones just like yourself.
Join this support group on Facebook at
Aluna is a seasoned traveler on the path of light, someone whose work over the years, I've come to respect and consider valuable to my own growth and development. She has the ability to 'see' beyond what is happening in form and is able to translate energy from the place of context to help others navigate the content of the life situation with greater ease. Here is what she has to say about our changing times"
"What Are You Feeling Today"? Aluna Joy
All life is intimately connected with each other, and all life is affected by this fact. What happens to one happens to all. We are awakening to the fact that we are all ONE. The earth is shifting, changing and ascending, and along with it, so is all of humanity. We always have, and we always will. We cannot avoid this fact. Because we are coming to the end of a huge cycle of time, the effects we are feeling, regarding the shifting, has been greatly amplified and is happening at multiplying rate of speed. It is a wild ride that some float through fairly easy, while others are deeply physically and emotionally affected by the shifts of energy in the collective consciousness. Because of this unavoidable fact, we created this FACEBOOK Ascension Symptoms Support Group to be a global support system for people that are sensitive, empathic, compassionate, psychic, clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and simply open hearted. If you fit that description, we encourage you to join us.
This is not a group for conspiracy theorists, earth change fear mongers, or ones that would prefer to feed these kinds fears. This is not a group for one who like to play being small, helpless of playing the role of the victim. This group’s intent is to defeat the fear that is triggered by the symptoms which sensitive ones might feel regarding ascension, evolution, and the ever changing Earth, and replace them with support, community, love, and harmony. We are not victims! We are awakening, evolving and ascending. This is a group for Warriors of the LIGHT, Warriors for a new world. The more we become ONE with all life, we will discover that we can not heal a mere individual one at a time, it will be vital that we heal the whole to cure the individual. This is the great quest before us now. This is one of the main reasons we have been working with the Solar Wave for 15 years. You can join the Solar Wave here. http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/solarwave.html
Things that trigger ascension symptoms are as varied and diverse as life itself. There are natural occurring events in nature that happen on Earth that undeniably affect everyone on it, whether they recognize it or not. These events include earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, strong weather patterns, floods, solar flares, eclipses, full moons, asteroids, etc…. There are also unnatural occurring events and disasters like, airline crashes, train crashes, terrorist attacks, etc…. Events that really impact sensitive ones are when there is a sudden and huge loss of life, or displacement. Examples of this would be the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Asian tsunami in 2004, hurricane Katrina, and the very recent earthquake in .
Since the earthquake in Haiti , many have been feeling intense hunger, digestive issues,
an overwhelming sense of feeling trapped, and pressure in the chest. Have you been feeling this?
All of these shifts and changes are part of the natural process of evolution and ascension. This can cause sensitive ones a great deal of wide ranging and sometimes very scary, un-diagnosable symptoms. Physically, we can feel exhausted, anxious, nauseous, dizzy, fuzzyheaded, headaches and experience insomnia. We can have tightness in the chest, an empathic heart ache, a feeling of suffocating and/or a feeling of being trapped. We can have wild migrating pains all throughout the body, wild pangs of hunger or not wanting to eat it all. Emotionally, we might feel that something is missing in our life or lose interest in the many things life in this dimension has to offer. We can suffer a lack of ambition and are plagued with procrastination. We might have the urgency to run, move, escape, quit our jobs, and leave our relationships. We are obsessed to find paradise, sanctuary, nirvana, shambala, etc...
Many can feel pulses of energy building, but do not know what this means. Because we don’t know what this means, we take it personally. When we take it personally, we quit talking to each other, because we are embarrassed of our strange symptoms. We feel somehow that we are a failure for feeling these things. We might feel that we are not spiritual enough or advanced enough. Many times we have been called hypochondriacs. Because of this, we isolate ourselves, and we become hermits. This is not how we honor the gift God gave us.
Being a sensitive one is a divine gift. If we want to honor this gift that was given to us, then we must be compelled to develop it, and use it for the greater good. We believe that the Creator of ALL that is, God, or whatever higher power you believe in, feels absolutely everything. The further we wake up, the more we will feel. We are hoping that this group will help you realize that your sensitivities are a gift, and not a curse.
We are hoping that with your participation in this group, WE, the Earth’s sensitives, will be able to step back, and begin to realize that we are all feeling similar things. When we realize this, we can quit taking it personally. This will help us all physically and emotionally to detach so we can survive and have the energy to fulfill our destiny. We hope that this group will also reveal a clear picture of what our symptoms might be telling us. I hope with time that we also might gain inspiration for ways to work with these energies, rather than brace ourselves against the ever-growing, heightened energy. As a group, we can learn to divert, redirect and diminish the miss-qualified creative energies, avert natural and un-natural catastrophes and recycle the energy to create a bright new world.
Welcome to Ascension Symptoms Support Group. We are glad you are here. We hope you find this a safe and secure environment in which to be yourself, share what you are feeling, and be a priceless support to ones just like yourself.
Join this support group on Facebook at
Monday, February 8, 2010
Gems from Jack - Kerouacian inspiration
Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels,
the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes...
the ones who see things differently... they're not fond of rules...
you can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them,
but the only thing you can't do is ignore them,
because they change things... they push the human race forward,
and while some may see them as crazy ones, we see geniuses,
because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world,
are the ones that do.
~ Jack Kerouac
the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes...
the ones who see things differently... they're not fond of rules...
you can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them,
but the only thing you can't do is ignore them,
because they change things... they push the human race forward,
and while some may see them as crazy ones, we see geniuses,
because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world,
are the ones that do.
~ Jack Kerouac
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Tips For The Savvy New Entrepreneur
Have you recently left a job to work for your self, only to find your entrepreneurial undertaking to be fraught with chaos and confusion? Not to worry. The good new is, there’s a scientific method to getting you through the garden of good and evil. In a world awash with home-based business opportunities, and internet marketing scams, clear cut, hands on direction is primary for success.
It is essential that you have the tools necessary to navigate yourself through this sea of sometimes overwhelming possibilities. You need to know the right questions to ask at the most opportune time, that being BEFORE you sign on the dotted line, pledging all but the blood of your first born. You need to be informed, do the research and have a plan of action. If you don’t you will most likely fail miserably, but not before being purged of your retirement fund, and or the kids college tuition.
Jumping blindly into a home based business opportunity, because you can afford to do so, is like saying yes to driving an 18 wheeler cross country, just because you have a drivers license. Without the owners manual to that big rig, you won’t know what to do in the case of a blow out, or how to ascend and descend in high elevations, nor will you be able to back that sucker up, turn it around and leave the Triple X Truck Stop when you’re ready to do so.
In short, without guidance, direction and specific tutorials, most of us are clueless as to how to remove lint from our navels correctly, much less produce six figure incomes with a fledgling startup we know little or nothing about how to run, or not run, into the ground.
When starting to build anything it is imperative to have an architectural diagram. Without structure from which to develop something, nothing much manifests. The following comprises the best contextual advise I can think of to give anyone interested in constructing a solid, strong and durable foundation for an enduring entrepreneurial endeavor.
Ten Tips For Staying On Course
#1 Take Your Shoes Off At The Door – Seriously, take your shoes off. It’s time to break up old patterns, do something different, lay a new foundation. If you can commit to this, you have successfully humbled yourself and raised the bar on your ability to FOCUS. And in case you’re wondering focus, coupled with humility IS a priceless commodity in any business venture.
#2 Show Up - Dressed – What? Like you think you aren’t really working just because you work from home? Cummon now, this IS a real job. Your home based business is NOT A GET RICH QUCK SCHEME, there’s real work for you to do here. Indeed you have to pace yourself, but let’s not blur the lines, let’s show up and be ready and I don’t know anyone who is ‘ready’ to do business in sleep ware. I’ve tried it both ways and I have to say that on the days I get up, get dressed and show up at my desk ready to work, I do more business than the days I leisurely lounge around.
#3 Clarify Your ‘Why’ – X marks the spot only if you know where the spot is. Clearly defined points of reference become beacons on the high seas of discontent. If you don’t know ‘why’ you’re hangin in there, then when the going gets tough you’re more likely to give up. Set long term, medium and short term goals and keep daily To Do lists. Be vigilant with yourself and others regarding your time. That which doesn’t qualify for your attention shouldn’t get any. And if you don’t know what this means, think about it. You are either moving toward what you want or away from it. That which distracts you, sucks your energy and takes you ‘offcourse’ – of course should not be a contender for your time.
#4 Don’t Just Sit There (it’s really ‘not’ the economy stupid) – In order to produce results we have to take action. We have to do something different if we want to have different results. If we keep doing same ole, same ole we’ll continue to get ‘same ole, same ole’. Even if what you do doesn’t fly, it’s better than not taking any action at all. You have to begin somewhere, you have to build momentum, keep moving forward. You have to do something or nothing will happen.
#5 Prioritize – Decide right now what comes first in the pecking order of your business life. Is it more important to do ‘this’ or would doing ‘that’ possibly render you a more successful outcome. Learn how to perk up your ears to hear the call of the wild, off the cuff moment that needs seizing. And don’t be afraid to trash the plan if something else speaks to you more profoundly. Just be sure you know the difference between doing what needs to be done and getting done what needs doing.
#6 Take Notes – Chronicling the course is judicious action. Keeping a journal of your wins and challenges is like dropping bread crumbs on the path from here to there. It lets you review the sticky places after you’ve left them, so that the next time you find yourself stuck, you can move easily to quickly free yourself. The smart entrepreneur puts their emotional peddle to the meddle, by engaging with a pen and paper workout every day. In other words, keep it together in the market place but kick out the jams in your journal. Rant and rave and bitch and moan and get it all out. Then release it and let it all go.
#7 Learn A New Language – At the end of the day the only thing worth remembering, is how often you said Thank You. The vibration of gratitude is so strong that it is like having command of a universal language. Gratitude is The key ingredient in the backing of every entrepreneurs cake. Develop an attitude that conveys the ability to be thankful regardless the circumstances or the situation, and you have won. Keep viewing the cup as half empty and you add to the population of whiners. It’s just that simple. Set aside time at least twice a day to gather your awareness and give thanks for everything, beginning with your ability to breath freely.
#8 Say It, See It, Have It – Affirmations and visualization trump everything else when it comes to producing results. What we believe we make real, so by affirming that we already have what we so dearly want, we link with the universe vibration to vibration until we attract it to us. We do this anyway, so we may as well do it consciously. Using positive phrases, a few good pictures cut from magazines and a bit of glitter to stimulate the cerebral cortex of the brain, create a story board filled with sensory rich descriptions to visualize and affirm your desires. Let your inner dreamer sign in on paper and watch how fast the universe mirrors back to you exactly what you intend. Repeat positive affirmations of the highest truths, even when you least believe them, and again watch as the universe rearranges itself to accommodate you.
#9 Keep Good Company – Don’t ever under estimate the power of influence. Seek to keep company with those who cherish the same path to freedom as you do. Keep connected to those who share your values, ideals, courage and integrity. Listen to those who have gone before you and successfully prepared the way. Seek to walk alone before taking up with anyone who would rain on your inspiration or disparage your appetite for light. Make it a point to meet regularly with those of like mind to mastermind the greatest good for all.
#10 Forward Is The Only Direction Worth Moving In – Always remain in good cheer. Find a way to celebrate the joy in life, go out of your way to find a morsel of goodness in even the darkest moment. Give thanks for everything and remember you have come into this world for the purpose of manifestation. Be of as much service as is possible, do whatever it takes within the bounds of your integrity to render that service and you will have the experience of reward, as a result of your efforts. Never quit and don’t give up your dreams for anything.
In conclusion I offer this. Life is a Labyrinth of twists and turns. It is not a maze. A maze offers only dead ends. A Labyrinth spins a path toward manifest destiny. Each part of the Labyrinth has a specific purpose and function unto that purpose. When we travel the path of life as if it were a Labyrinth, we have the possibility to cultivate deep wisdom from the various twists and turns we experience.
Consciously applying wise decision making practices to entrepreneurial ventures, affords us many of the same benefits as walking a Labyrinth.
Be well, take care and stay on course.
It is essential that you have the tools necessary to navigate yourself through this sea of sometimes overwhelming possibilities. You need to know the right questions to ask at the most opportune time, that being BEFORE you sign on the dotted line, pledging all but the blood of your first born. You need to be informed, do the research and have a plan of action. If you don’t you will most likely fail miserably, but not before being purged of your retirement fund, and or the kids college tuition.
Jumping blindly into a home based business opportunity, because you can afford to do so, is like saying yes to driving an 18 wheeler cross country, just because you have a drivers license. Without the owners manual to that big rig, you won’t know what to do in the case of a blow out, or how to ascend and descend in high elevations, nor will you be able to back that sucker up, turn it around and leave the Triple X Truck Stop when you’re ready to do so.
In short, without guidance, direction and specific tutorials, most of us are clueless as to how to remove lint from our navels correctly, much less produce six figure incomes with a fledgling startup we know little or nothing about how to run, or not run, into the ground.
When starting to build anything it is imperative to have an architectural diagram. Without structure from which to develop something, nothing much manifests. The following comprises the best contextual advise I can think of to give anyone interested in constructing a solid, strong and durable foundation for an enduring entrepreneurial endeavor.
Ten Tips For Staying On Course
#1 Take Your Shoes Off At The Door – Seriously, take your shoes off. It’s time to break up old patterns, do something different, lay a new foundation. If you can commit to this, you have successfully humbled yourself and raised the bar on your ability to FOCUS. And in case you’re wondering focus, coupled with humility IS a priceless commodity in any business venture.
#2 Show Up - Dressed – What? Like you think you aren’t really working just because you work from home? Cummon now, this IS a real job. Your home based business is NOT A GET RICH QUCK SCHEME, there’s real work for you to do here. Indeed you have to pace yourself, but let’s not blur the lines, let’s show up and be ready and I don’t know anyone who is ‘ready’ to do business in sleep ware. I’ve tried it both ways and I have to say that on the days I get up, get dressed and show up at my desk ready to work, I do more business than the days I leisurely lounge around.
#3 Clarify Your ‘Why’ – X marks the spot only if you know where the spot is. Clearly defined points of reference become beacons on the high seas of discontent. If you don’t know ‘why’ you’re hangin in there, then when the going gets tough you’re more likely to give up. Set long term, medium and short term goals and keep daily To Do lists. Be vigilant with yourself and others regarding your time. That which doesn’t qualify for your attention shouldn’t get any. And if you don’t know what this means, think about it. You are either moving toward what you want or away from it. That which distracts you, sucks your energy and takes you ‘offcourse’ – of course should not be a contender for your time.
#4 Don’t Just Sit There (it’s really ‘not’ the economy stupid) – In order to produce results we have to take action. We have to do something different if we want to have different results. If we keep doing same ole, same ole we’ll continue to get ‘same ole, same ole’. Even if what you do doesn’t fly, it’s better than not taking any action at all. You have to begin somewhere, you have to build momentum, keep moving forward. You have to do something or nothing will happen.
#5 Prioritize – Decide right now what comes first in the pecking order of your business life. Is it more important to do ‘this’ or would doing ‘that’ possibly render you a more successful outcome. Learn how to perk up your ears to hear the call of the wild, off the cuff moment that needs seizing. And don’t be afraid to trash the plan if something else speaks to you more profoundly. Just be sure you know the difference between doing what needs to be done and getting done what needs doing.
#6 Take Notes – Chronicling the course is judicious action. Keeping a journal of your wins and challenges is like dropping bread crumbs on the path from here to there. It lets you review the sticky places after you’ve left them, so that the next time you find yourself stuck, you can move easily to quickly free yourself. The smart entrepreneur puts their emotional peddle to the meddle, by engaging with a pen and paper workout every day. In other words, keep it together in the market place but kick out the jams in your journal. Rant and rave and bitch and moan and get it all out. Then release it and let it all go.
#7 Learn A New Language – At the end of the day the only thing worth remembering, is how often you said Thank You. The vibration of gratitude is so strong that it is like having command of a universal language. Gratitude is The key ingredient in the backing of every entrepreneurs cake. Develop an attitude that conveys the ability to be thankful regardless the circumstances or the situation, and you have won. Keep viewing the cup as half empty and you add to the population of whiners. It’s just that simple. Set aside time at least twice a day to gather your awareness and give thanks for everything, beginning with your ability to breath freely.
#8 Say It, See It, Have It – Affirmations and visualization trump everything else when it comes to producing results. What we believe we make real, so by affirming that we already have what we so dearly want, we link with the universe vibration to vibration until we attract it to us. We do this anyway, so we may as well do it consciously. Using positive phrases, a few good pictures cut from magazines and a bit of glitter to stimulate the cerebral cortex of the brain, create a story board filled with sensory rich descriptions to visualize and affirm your desires. Let your inner dreamer sign in on paper and watch how fast the universe mirrors back to you exactly what you intend. Repeat positive affirmations of the highest truths, even when you least believe them, and again watch as the universe rearranges itself to accommodate you.
#9 Keep Good Company – Don’t ever under estimate the power of influence. Seek to keep company with those who cherish the same path to freedom as you do. Keep connected to those who share your values, ideals, courage and integrity. Listen to those who have gone before you and successfully prepared the way. Seek to walk alone before taking up with anyone who would rain on your inspiration or disparage your appetite for light. Make it a point to meet regularly with those of like mind to mastermind the greatest good for all.
#10 Forward Is The Only Direction Worth Moving In – Always remain in good cheer. Find a way to celebrate the joy in life, go out of your way to find a morsel of goodness in even the darkest moment. Give thanks for everything and remember you have come into this world for the purpose of manifestation. Be of as much service as is possible, do whatever it takes within the bounds of your integrity to render that service and you will have the experience of reward, as a result of your efforts. Never quit and don’t give up your dreams for anything.
In conclusion I offer this. Life is a Labyrinth of twists and turns. It is not a maze. A maze offers only dead ends. A Labyrinth spins a path toward manifest destiny. Each part of the Labyrinth has a specific purpose and function unto that purpose. When we travel the path of life as if it were a Labyrinth, we have the possibility to cultivate deep wisdom from the various twists and turns we experience.
Consciously applying wise decision making practices to entrepreneurial ventures, affords us many of the same benefits as walking a Labyrinth.
Be well, take care and stay on course.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Gathering The Good For Haiti
By passion I consider myself to be an artist. I gravitate toward all things beautiful and people who inspire beauty. Therefore when I looked at how I could lend a hand in Haiti, I immediately thought of the Artisan community in my local area.
And so I decided to call art galleries and ask if they'd be willing to contribute a percentage of their sales for one day over the next month to the restoration and relief efforts in Haiti. I provided a list of relief organizations through which they could contribute and asked for a pledge of their commitment to provide support. I logged this information along with their email address and phone number and made a note to thank them personally, the day after their pledge date.
My thinking is this. If all of us who are enjoying the ease and comfort of undisturbed living, can use the recent disaster in Haiti as an opportunity to give thanks, then take action to generate restoration there, we can collectively raise the vibration from devastation to manifestation. Our collective efforts will create a ripple effect, attracting all that is needed to restore balance.
Make the effort today. Ask for participation from those in your local area, then followup with an acknowledgment of gratitude on behalf of the Haitian people. By each of us taking action locally, we infuse our piece into the worldwide tapestry for peace.
Here's a couple more ways we can gather the good for Haiti:
1. Give a Haiti relief charity gift to a Facebook friend.
When you give a charity gift on Facebook, you are buying a specific item needed on the ground in Haiti. We have several new gifts in the Facebook Charity Gift Shop, including:
Water for Haiti from Oxfam
Light a Candle for Haiti from UNICEF
Food for Haiti from CARE
Shelter for Haiti from the American Red Cross
Survival Kit from World Vision
Visit the Facebook Charity Gift Shop to see all the Haiti relief Gifts.
2. Join and donate to a cause.
Many nonprofits have started fundraising projects, with funds specifically for Haiti relief, such as:
Doctors Without Borders
Friends of the World Food Program
International Rescue Committee
And so I decided to call art galleries and ask if they'd be willing to contribute a percentage of their sales for one day over the next month to the restoration and relief efforts in Haiti. I provided a list of relief organizations through which they could contribute and asked for a pledge of their commitment to provide support. I logged this information along with their email address and phone number and made a note to thank them personally, the day after their pledge date.
My thinking is this. If all of us who are enjoying the ease and comfort of undisturbed living, can use the recent disaster in Haiti as an opportunity to give thanks, then take action to generate restoration there, we can collectively raise the vibration from devastation to manifestation. Our collective efforts will create a ripple effect, attracting all that is needed to restore balance.
Make the effort today. Ask for participation from those in your local area, then followup with an acknowledgment of gratitude on behalf of the Haitian people. By each of us taking action locally, we infuse our piece into the worldwide tapestry for peace.
Here's a couple more ways we can gather the good for Haiti:
1. Give a Haiti relief charity gift to a Facebook friend.
When you give a charity gift on Facebook, you are buying a specific item needed on the ground in Haiti. We have several new gifts in the Facebook Charity Gift Shop, including:
Water for Haiti from Oxfam
Light a Candle for Haiti from UNICEF
Food for Haiti from CARE
Shelter for Haiti from the American Red Cross
Survival Kit from World Vision
Visit the Facebook Charity Gift Shop to see all the Haiti relief Gifts.
2. Join and donate to a cause.
Many nonprofits have started fundraising projects, with funds specifically for Haiti relief, such as:
Doctors Without Borders
Friends of the World Food Program
International Rescue Committee
Monday, January 11, 2010
Destiny Is Variable by Owen Waters
I've never post someone elses article on my blog before. Owen Waters is someone I have enjoyed reading for quite some time now and would like to share him with my readers. If you like this article, find value in it and wish to be on Owen's mailing list his web site info is at the bottom of the post. Enjoy the read.
In the Old Reality, things were seen as opposites - black or
white, hot or cold, good or bad, this way or that way. In the
expanded view of New Reality consciousness, life is seen in a
unified way. Opposite sides of the coin are viewed, not as
polar opposites, but rather as just being different aspects of
the one coin.
In the New Reality view of the world, the opposite extremes of
black and white become, instead, endless shades of gray. Hot
and cold become variable degrees of warmth. Good and bad become
different shades of human nature; free of the judgment, hate
and fear that comes with Old Reality, polarized thinking.
In the Old Reality, destiny and free will were seen as
mutually exclusive. The reasoning was that, if destiny exists,
then it controls everything and, therefore, free will does not
exist. On the other hand, you can prove that free will does
exist by making a choice. So, as the thinking goes, if free
will does exist, then there can be no destiny.
But, wait. Perhaps that choice of "free will" was really a
pre-destined one. Perhaps the person was destined to make that
choice all long, so the experience of choice was just an
illusion. At this point, people usually give up on the whole
question because it has turned into one of those brain teasers,
like asking which came first - the chicken or the egg.
Brain teasers keep your mind in an endless loop until you try
stepping back from the situation and seeing it in a wider
perspective. The new, wider perspective allows for the
inclusion of non-materialistic factors. In deciding whether the
chicken or the egg came first, for example, you just have to
step back and see that the Creator designed the chicken to be
When you step back and see destiny and free will from a wider
perspective, you realize that nothing has to be absolute. If
every event in your life were pre-ordained, there would be no
such thing as free will or self-determination. As we do have
free will, destiny cannot be fixed.
Destiny is therefore variable, not fixed. Destiny and free
will both exist as interwoven facets of your life. Like threads
in a tapestry, they interact with each other and blend to form
the outcomes that are the events in your life.
Your destiny is created by plans that you made at a soul level
of consciousness. Before you were born, you made your main plan
for this life. Then, the minute you were born, the rules of the
game demanded that you also get a case of amnesia about the
whole arrangement. Such is the game of life in the physical
However, at night when you go to sleep, you have the chance to
visit the deepest levels of human consciousness and review how
the original plan is unfolding and make changes to your plan if
desired. When you return to your physical body and awake in the
morning, amnesia strikes again. Within seconds of your
conscious mind returning into your physical brain, you forget
both the surface dreams and the deep experiences of the night.
Amnesia may be a part of the game we are playing in this life,
but inner guidance is always is always available to anyone who
pays attention to it. Your intuition is your link to your soul,
or inner being, which is also linked to the rest of the
universe and all levels of Creation.
You are never left alone to fumble in the darkness of a purely
physical life. Your inner being is always there with you,
expressing itself through the quiet whisperings of intuitive
information. Thanks to this inner compass of knowing, you can
always sense which choice feels right. You can always tell when
your life is running on plan, and you can tell equally well if
you've become temporarily distracted from your plan. You always
have the means to be right on course, or get back on course,
and explore the fascinating themes that make up your life plan.
The most productive use of free will is to explore your true
potential within the themes of your life, thus gaining the
greatest possible experience from your life plan.
Destiny is an influence that comes from your inner plan. There
is nothing absolute about your destiny. It's a pressure which
constantly seeks the best route to unfold into manifestation.
Free will provides the means to manifest that destiny in a way
that provides the learning that you came here to acquire in
this life.
Destiny is variable. It adapts to the circumstances of your
life every second of the day. As destiny unfolds, you feel it
within as a sense of being a part of the flow of life, of
manifesting your potential in the way that you planned for this
day and that you planned for this life.
Destiny is the plan. Free will is the action. Experience is
the result.
That's what being human is all about.
*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend!
They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Owen Waters is the author of the e-book, "Discover Your
Purpose in Life," which is available for download now at:
In the Old Reality, things were seen as opposites - black or
white, hot or cold, good or bad, this way or that way. In the
expanded view of New Reality consciousness, life is seen in a
unified way. Opposite sides of the coin are viewed, not as
polar opposites, but rather as just being different aspects of
the one coin.
In the New Reality view of the world, the opposite extremes of
black and white become, instead, endless shades of gray. Hot
and cold become variable degrees of warmth. Good and bad become
different shades of human nature; free of the judgment, hate
and fear that comes with Old Reality, polarized thinking.
In the Old Reality, destiny and free will were seen as
mutually exclusive. The reasoning was that, if destiny exists,
then it controls everything and, therefore, free will does not
exist. On the other hand, you can prove that free will does
exist by making a choice. So, as the thinking goes, if free
will does exist, then there can be no destiny.
But, wait. Perhaps that choice of "free will" was really a
pre-destined one. Perhaps the person was destined to make that
choice all long, so the experience of choice was just an
illusion. At this point, people usually give up on the whole
question because it has turned into one of those brain teasers,
like asking which came first - the chicken or the egg.
Brain teasers keep your mind in an endless loop until you try
stepping back from the situation and seeing it in a wider
perspective. The new, wider perspective allows for the
inclusion of non-materialistic factors. In deciding whether the
chicken or the egg came first, for example, you just have to
step back and see that the Creator designed the chicken to be
When you step back and see destiny and free will from a wider
perspective, you realize that nothing has to be absolute. If
every event in your life were pre-ordained, there would be no
such thing as free will or self-determination. As we do have
free will, destiny cannot be fixed.
Destiny is therefore variable, not fixed. Destiny and free
will both exist as interwoven facets of your life. Like threads
in a tapestry, they interact with each other and blend to form
the outcomes that are the events in your life.
Your destiny is created by plans that you made at a soul level
of consciousness. Before you were born, you made your main plan
for this life. Then, the minute you were born, the rules of the
game demanded that you also get a case of amnesia about the
whole arrangement. Such is the game of life in the physical
However, at night when you go to sleep, you have the chance to
visit the deepest levels of human consciousness and review how
the original plan is unfolding and make changes to your plan if
desired. When you return to your physical body and awake in the
morning, amnesia strikes again. Within seconds of your
conscious mind returning into your physical brain, you forget
both the surface dreams and the deep experiences of the night.
Amnesia may be a part of the game we are playing in this life,
but inner guidance is always is always available to anyone who
pays attention to it. Your intuition is your link to your soul,
or inner being, which is also linked to the rest of the
universe and all levels of Creation.
You are never left alone to fumble in the darkness of a purely
physical life. Your inner being is always there with you,
expressing itself through the quiet whisperings of intuitive
information. Thanks to this inner compass of knowing, you can
always sense which choice feels right. You can always tell when
your life is running on plan, and you can tell equally well if
you've become temporarily distracted from your plan. You always
have the means to be right on course, or get back on course,
and explore the fascinating themes that make up your life plan.
The most productive use of free will is to explore your true
potential within the themes of your life, thus gaining the
greatest possible experience from your life plan.
Destiny is an influence that comes from your inner plan. There
is nothing absolute about your destiny. It's a pressure which
constantly seeks the best route to unfold into manifestation.
Free will provides the means to manifest that destiny in a way
that provides the learning that you came here to acquire in
this life.
Destiny is variable. It adapts to the circumstances of your
life every second of the day. As destiny unfolds, you feel it
within as a sense of being a part of the flow of life, of
manifesting your potential in the way that you planned for this
day and that you planned for this life.
Destiny is the plan. Free will is the action. Experience is
the result.
That's what being human is all about.
*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend!
They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Owen Waters is the author of the e-book, "Discover Your
Purpose in Life," which is available for download now at:
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Hanging Out In The Vicinity Of Brainstorms
The news of the Iguanas falling out of the trees in Florida, due to the falling temps, sparked an awareness for me. I realized there was a message here, a connection if you will, between what was happening with them and what was happening with me. As winter set in and temps fell, I too experienced falling out of my tree.
I'd recognized myself to be at the effect of a condition an old friend once coined as 'gritchy' - a cross between grouchy and bitchy! Not really angry but not very happy either. At first I assumed it to be the lack of light due to short days and long nights, and so I beefed up my vitamin D intake. No luck, still felt an edge of irritation precluding me from connection with inspiration. And so I started investigating. I mean after all, life situations are nothing if not opportunities to 'Clue Track' right!
The fact that the Oh HO HO of the Holiday Season had come and gone, leaving a chill in the emotional air of things, and the new year hasn't really kicked off yet, sounded like a good 'reason' for the lack luster vibe I was experiencing. However something told me to dig deeper and so I did.
The soul-searching spiral took me into a place where I found something different than what I'd expected. Here I came face to face with the culprit of my discontent. I had fallen out of alignment with the natural ebb and flow of the season. In the northern hemisphere we are experiencing winter, which is the time of renewal. The winter solstice heralds in the beginning of downtime. Here's where we get to go within, regroup with ourselves and rejuvenate .
I had been gearing up instead of slowing down. I had intended to use my will to push through the end of one calendar year straight into the next, without skipping a beat. It never occurred to me that because I was going against the grain of the natural order, my vibratory frequency was out of sync with the vibration of joy - thus the 'gritchy' uninspired feeling associated with burn out.
While attempting to 'keep up the momentum' I was falling out of my tree. I had become a casualty of the old paradigm I so loath. I was functioning congruent with the idea that 'the end justifies the means'. Interestingly enough I had been charging all those around me with being guilty of this very act. I could see it outside of myself but wasn't aware of my own participation with this cup half empty perspective. Until I stopped and looked at how my actions were creating what I was experiencing, I wasn't able to see where I needed to make changes.
I've been in the business of inspiring change through the development of human potential for more than three decades. I know better than to use the power-over strategy with the natural rhythm of things, and yet it appeared I had forgotten. My new status as a network marketer had me so excited, that I forgot the golden rule - 'The end never justifies the means'.
It's still the season of renewal, time to regroup, relax, regenerate and psychically prep for spring, that time of vision. It is not time for the Big Push forward but rather a time to take a step back, rethink old strategies, soft focus the lens and open to whatever we need to sustain our well-being. Indeed our cup is very much half full, even during this relentlessly harsh weather pattern.
But don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself and let me know what it feels like to be in alignment, as compared to experiencing the contrast associated with not being. Success can be measured in a myriad of ways. Garnering energetic gifts from aligning with the natural flow, often produces surprising results.
Be well, take care and enjoy the season of renewal.
I'd recognized myself to be at the effect of a condition an old friend once coined as 'gritchy' - a cross between grouchy and bitchy! Not really angry but not very happy either. At first I assumed it to be the lack of light due to short days and long nights, and so I beefed up my vitamin D intake. No luck, still felt an edge of irritation precluding me from connection with inspiration. And so I started investigating. I mean after all, life situations are nothing if not opportunities to 'Clue Track' right!
The fact that the Oh HO HO of the Holiday Season had come and gone, leaving a chill in the emotional air of things, and the new year hasn't really kicked off yet, sounded like a good 'reason' for the lack luster vibe I was experiencing. However something told me to dig deeper and so I did.
The soul-searching spiral took me into a place where I found something different than what I'd expected. Here I came face to face with the culprit of my discontent. I had fallen out of alignment with the natural ebb and flow of the season. In the northern hemisphere we are experiencing winter, which is the time of renewal. The winter solstice heralds in the beginning of downtime. Here's where we get to go within, regroup with ourselves and rejuvenate .
I had been gearing up instead of slowing down. I had intended to use my will to push through the end of one calendar year straight into the next, without skipping a beat. It never occurred to me that because I was going against the grain of the natural order, my vibratory frequency was out of sync with the vibration of joy - thus the 'gritchy' uninspired feeling associated with burn out.
While attempting to 'keep up the momentum' I was falling out of my tree. I had become a casualty of the old paradigm I so loath. I was functioning congruent with the idea that 'the end justifies the means'. Interestingly enough I had been charging all those around me with being guilty of this very act. I could see it outside of myself but wasn't aware of my own participation with this cup half empty perspective. Until I stopped and looked at how my actions were creating what I was experiencing, I wasn't able to see where I needed to make changes.
I've been in the business of inspiring change through the development of human potential for more than three decades. I know better than to use the power-over strategy with the natural rhythm of things, and yet it appeared I had forgotten. My new status as a network marketer had me so excited, that I forgot the golden rule - 'The end never justifies the means'.
It's still the season of renewal, time to regroup, relax, regenerate and psychically prep for spring, that time of vision. It is not time for the Big Push forward but rather a time to take a step back, rethink old strategies, soft focus the lens and open to whatever we need to sustain our well-being. Indeed our cup is very much half full, even during this relentlessly harsh weather pattern.
But don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself and let me know what it feels like to be in alignment, as compared to experiencing the contrast associated with not being. Success can be measured in a myriad of ways. Garnering energetic gifts from aligning with the natural flow, often produces surprising results.
Be well, take care and enjoy the season of renewal.
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