Who can afford to be uninformed these days. . . I certainly can't and thought you wouldn't want to be either. That's why I am passing along a few tidbits I took in while surfing a site I can't recall and therefore am not able to properly credit. I can tell you that the pen name is 'Contempo' and the writer posted a phone # 708-714-1680. Please send all Kudos to him/her directly - me, I'm just the messenger.
WHAT'S HOT on the internet marketing runway this year - PAID SEARCH. Why? Because if Bing can lure searches away from Google, Pay per click advertising will drop in price. The truth is however, either way PPC is a "must do" for those looking to dominate the web, using successful online marketing strategies.
Another winner is E-MAIL MARKETING and here's how come. The cost of building a permission-based list in 2010 will not increase. This is good news to the budget-minded advertiser, however - buyer be ware. Due to the sizable number of email addresses gone bad (or just plain gone altogether) as a result of the musical chairs games being played out in companies undergoing deep dimensions of persistent change, you could end up with less (rather than more) bang for your buck. As always, careful research is recommended.
WEB PRESENCE - still hot? OF COURSE, dah!! A web site is a "Must" with-a-bullet always. And in case you haven't heard, "Content Nesting" is totally IN dahling. And yes it is exactly what it sounds like, a place where people can go to hang out, hunker down, dig in, and partake of everything you have to offer, with just one click. No surfing around to a bunch of sites. Although you should make sure your video is on YouTube as well as your personal site, because if it isn't, well, you'll loose the Youtube-only audience and that would be bad. Always remember, when your website content is nested into as many content aggregation sites as possible, you've got traffic baby, and that's good.
The last, but certainly not least, "must have" for 2010 is ONLINE VIDEO. An absolute no-can-do-without....well think about it, everyone knows a picture says a thousand words. Watching a live performance is entertainment and everyone loves to be entertained, even if it isn't an oscar winning performance. Stats show that 30 seconds of YOU LIVE converts to way more green backs than anything else on the market to date.
2010 is a good year to continue testing Search Engine Optimization too. Using more personalized content, key words and links along with social network marketing works, to find out what attracts repeat and referred biz. Coupons, discounts and savings, will be revenue raisers as well this year. Don't be to fast though to cuddle up with trends, as consumers and marketers never get to cozy to quickly. Recognizing the lag time between consumer observation and consumption, is something that could save you time and money. If you want to test mobile marketing, use google Analytics to track results.
As for Blogs, Podcasts and radio ads - well, not so much this year, at lest there's no thumbs up activity on these 3 from the marketing critics. If you're writing a blog to facilitate search engine ranking or to inform followers - go for it. But if you are seeking to attract prospects and convert them to customers, this will require time, effort and persistence on your part, as you will need to write fresh, fun, stimulating content regularly to keep that conversion rate up (lots a competition out there). In other words, your conversion rate of prospects to customers, is only as good as the last offering on your landing page - no survival by 'duplication' here. If this level of high octane performance super charges you do it - if not, don't.
As for podcasts and online radio advertising, don't think twice, just go directly to online video and enjoy the attention, everyone else is.
That's it for now. See ya at the top!
Monday, February 15, 2010
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