About Me

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States
I've worked in the field of human potential deveopment for over 25 years. My current focus is soul/energy clearing and balancing. I work in tandem with Spiritual Hierarchy to clear, revitalize and balance soul and subtle body energies. This work vibrationally aligns the energy with the frequencies of love, gratitude, peace and joy producing health on all levels of being.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

D.C. Saging

Monday January 19th 6 pm est - Washington D.C.’s Dupont Circle

Officiated by a Rabbi, Priest and Shaman, the traditional Native American clearing ritual, involving the burning of cedar and sage, (symbolic of dispersing dark or negative energies), will set the energetic stage for Tuesday’s Inauguration.

Once the prayers have been offered and the saging done, the vibratory frequency of our Nation’s Capitol will be ready to be recalibrated.

This ceremonial clearing is an opportunity for all of us to participate in whatever why we feel guided, serving as openers of this next door into a bigger and brighter reality.

I will personally be doing a space clearing for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and I invite everyone to be part of this “House Blessing”.

The energy from our collective good will and high intent is what will make the difference. Please join in.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

January 09 Full Moon

At 10:27 PM here on the east coast of the United States, the first full moon of this calendar year arrives. This is one of 5 SuperMoons. SuperMoons are a beefed up variety of the already potent lunar energy. As a result of the moon being in its closest approach to the earth, and in direct alignment with the Sun and Earth, the energy generated is intensified, thus magnifying and illuminating exactly what needs scrutiny.

The light from this full moon is offering a tutorial on The Law of Cause and Effect. The consequences of our actions is the theme being highlighted here. We are being given the opportunity to examine exactly what is demanding our attention and how we can take charge, and rearrange to the highest order, that which needs revamping. This thread of energy involving the Law of Karma, requests we look not only at a personal level, but also at the level of community, our nation, our planet, the universe and the galaxy. The heat has been turned up and if we don’t stir the pot, the stew is certain to burn.

The good news is we aren’t alone here. Energetic support from the big boys, Saturn and Uranus, graces our movement forward. Regardless of any old remnants of fear that may be trying to persuade us to remain in the comfy rut of “same ole, same ole”, with the focused pulse of these 2 planets, we are assured to be stirred to action. The energy of this cosmic duo is aligning us to our intent to “do something different”.

Here is where our creativity, awareness, and insight are stimulated. Feel free to take advantage of the juice and use it to give BIG to your new ideas. Why? Because with Jupiter, the planet of expansion moving through Aquarius, the sign of innovation, reform and collaboration, the stage is set for a good show of something exceptional.

More good news! Just 5 short days following the Presidential Inauguration, a Solar Eclipse shuffles the deck. This is exactly what is needed to raise the vibration and erase old patterns. From this place of new beginnings, the space opens up for the archetypes of a "new way of being" to emerge.

There will be work to do and we won’t move forward without having to deal with challenges. However, a quickening of sorts will have occurred and higher octave awareness will be even more accessible. This IS where the fun starts!

For more in-depth info on this full moon go to www.ecoastrology.com