I never thought much about cultivating a relationship with personal certainty. Until recently I've always felt pretty much tuned in to the world around me. At present however, I am needing to know more about that which I don't have time to learn or study, and so I have no choice but to call upon my natural knowing, my ability to sense the vibrational alignment with something, or not.
The hi tech world of the .com generation is challenging for me because it causes me to have to be really awake and alert, no time to go on autopilot here. I am being given the opportunity via my need to interact with the internet in my business, to listen with different ears, so as to hear the drumming of an authentic beat.
The vibration of our own knowing actually pulsates to a very high frequency. Just as dogs can hear tones we can't, so too can we tune in to that part of who we are which recognizes the difference between what's a go and what's a no. Weather we are 'educated' about the subject in question or not makes little difference, we either 'get it' or not. In a world filled with hype and half truths I've found it mandatory to cultivate the ability to know for myself.
Fear of the unknown had me stopped for a while but at the point at which I realized there was no hoover, I was either moving forward or going backwards, I became willing to do something different. Interestingly enough I took to the fine art of social networking like a duck to water. I am happy to say that so far Twitter, Facebook, and Linked In are showing the promise of becoming healthy relationships with good potential. Becoming internet savvy at the business level at first appeared to be a somewhat daunting learning curve. However as a result I've developed a stronger grip on my ability to know for myself.
Interestingly enough I'm about the business of promoting a new DVD which is all about learning how to 'know for yourself'. Given that we are in the throws of the 'miss'information age, a quagmire of half truths as thick as pea soup, we have to 'cowgirl up' (as one of my Twitter associates puts it). We have no choice but to become as aware as possible of how to determine what is so and what is not so.
Knowing for ourselves looks like becoming response ABLE so as to bring clarity and percision to our decision making process. Gone are the days when it is even an option to roll over and hit the snooze alarm, there's just to much hanging in the balance.
And so then learning how to determine for myself what the correct next steps were for me to take in effectively working with the internet, I had no choice but to rely on my inner knowing of what resonated and what didn't. Developing a relationship with the part of me that always knows is the most valued tool in my personal development tool box.
The new personal development movie Know For Yourself starts where The Secret left off. Learning how to apply the principles associated with the Law of Attraction is the difference between just having a hot car and knowing how to drive a hot car.
The energy in the trailer supplies enough of a high tech hit to trigger a vibration congruent with new octave awareness. This movie instantly conveys an enthusiasm for cultivating the ability to know from within, instead of depending on outside sources for information upon which to base a decision.
We have arrived at that place where this information is pertinent to our well-being, it is an instrument we can use to chart a new course in our desire to move forward. Without using the right key, the door will not be unlocked. We must learn how to deepen our relationship with our ability to know for ourselves, or we are in for a collision with fate.
The truth is, we must surpass our fate to meet our destiny - www.knowforyourself.com. coupon code 148251
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Because I Did That Thing!!
Yesterday I went to the DMV for a new license. The last time I did this I flunked the test, had to go back and retake it. This time I didn't have the luxury of falling prey to 'not knowing'. I had to take the test yesterday so as to get the whole process out the door, down the road and DONE before the end of Sept when my tags expired - they don't hand out tags unless you have a license from the state you are seeking to register the vehicle in.
It was almost 4 pm when I arrived at the testing site. I grabbed a book and started to cram. I could feel the onset of panic beginning to weave the threads of negative thoughts though my mind. What might it be like ridding the bus, living without the right to drive. Immediately I STOPPED myself from going down the path with the doomsday ending and began to visualize the completion of the test and me passing with flying colors. I literally pictured myself jumping up and down with excitement.
Before I knew it my number was called and I was positioned in front of a computer screen. The test began and I answered the first question correctly. The second question I got wrong, the third I answered correctly and the fourth question I answered incorrectly. At that point I stopped. I knew there was no way I was going to ace this test unless I did something different. I was allowed only 5 wrong answers and already had 2 and wasn't even close to half way through.
I remembered what I'd learned about everything having an energetic signature to it, a vibrational frequency that attracted like kind to like kind. I decided I would merely tune in to the vibration of the one answer which matched the vibration of the question being asked. I literally let go of trying to figure out the right answer and just tuned into what I knew for myself to be true from a vibrational stand point.
Interestingly enough I completed the test with no more misses. From that point on I answered each question correctly, even the ones I know I didn't 'know'. I was able to get in touch with the matching vibrations and in doing so was able to provide the correct answers to each one of the questions.
Because I was able to do this thing, I left the DMV not only with a drivers license in hand but with the experience of knowing I could create ANYTHING I wanted to using the same method of visualizing it already accomplished and tuning into it vibrationally.
I realized I'd not only gotten my 'drivers license' for the driving of a vehicle in 3 D reality but more importantly I was now licensed to move full speed ahead in the creation of my own reality on all levels. And because there is no order of difficulty in miracles, acing the drivers test isn't any different than manifesting a million dollar mansion or a multi 6 figure income!!! I am in the drivers seat now and ready for the ride of my life!!
Till next time, be well and take care
It was almost 4 pm when I arrived at the testing site. I grabbed a book and started to cram. I could feel the onset of panic beginning to weave the threads of negative thoughts though my mind. What might it be like ridding the bus, living without the right to drive. Immediately I STOPPED myself from going down the path with the doomsday ending and began to visualize the completion of the test and me passing with flying colors. I literally pictured myself jumping up and down with excitement.
Before I knew it my number was called and I was positioned in front of a computer screen. The test began and I answered the first question correctly. The second question I got wrong, the third I answered correctly and the fourth question I answered incorrectly. At that point I stopped. I knew there was no way I was going to ace this test unless I did something different. I was allowed only 5 wrong answers and already had 2 and wasn't even close to half way through.
I remembered what I'd learned about everything having an energetic signature to it, a vibrational frequency that attracted like kind to like kind. I decided I would merely tune in to the vibration of the one answer which matched the vibration of the question being asked. I literally let go of trying to figure out the right answer and just tuned into what I knew for myself to be true from a vibrational stand point.
Interestingly enough I completed the test with no more misses. From that point on I answered each question correctly, even the ones I know I didn't 'know'. I was able to get in touch with the matching vibrations and in doing so was able to provide the correct answers to each one of the questions.
Because I was able to do this thing, I left the DMV not only with a drivers license in hand but with the experience of knowing I could create ANYTHING I wanted to using the same method of visualizing it already accomplished and tuning into it vibrationally.
I realized I'd not only gotten my 'drivers license' for the driving of a vehicle in 3 D reality but more importantly I was now licensed to move full speed ahead in the creation of my own reality on all levels. And because there is no order of difficulty in miracles, acing the drivers test isn't any different than manifesting a million dollar mansion or a multi 6 figure income!!! I am in the drivers seat now and ready for the ride of my life!!
Till next time, be well and take care
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Mastermind - Creating A Focus Group
I've heard it said that we have within our sphere of influence at all times, at least 200 people. And that was way before the advent of the social networking systems. The point being, we are always giving and receiving energy in the form of information and vibration. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are consistently influencing and being influenced.
Directing this energy, in the same way a funnel directs liquid to infill a container, concentrates movement. If the content happens to be the movement of thought from a number of stimulated minds all focused on one topic of consideration, the energy expended to reach a desired result becomes focused intent. Focused intent produces momentum. When the momentum builds the ability to produce results consistent with goals and vision is always greater.
Master mind or focus groups are designed for this very purpose. To take a group of individuals pointed in the direction of the greater good and concentrate the energy into one specific focus so as to manifest an agreed upon desire, is a very powerful way to create a new reality, fast.
Napolean Hill refers to Mastermind Alliances as one of the most important factors in achieving success. This alliance intensifies concentration by creating a mass psychology which increases faith, self-reliance, imagination, creative vision, personal initiative, enthusiasm and the will to win. Working alone one is more likely to quit when the going gets tough.
Think of it this way. What happens when you have your foot on both the breaks and the gas at the same time? Nothing. You go no where, there is no movement. You are stopped. The collective unconscious, comprised of negative mental mass, made up of consensus reality, a vibrational group-focus which is heavily impacted by mainstream media, acts as that which resists movement outside the box. Trying to move forward alone in this swill of low frequency energetics, can feel like moving through molasses. Mastermind groups offer support for the process of breakthrough and are a necessary ingredient for the building of a new way of being.
Herd consciousness impacts all of us on a vibrational level. Mediocrity is born from herd consciousness. Not until a critical mass comprised of higher frequencies congeals, forming a vibrational match with higher consciousness, will we lift ourselves energetically out of that stuck vibration. transformation is really a numbers game. Critical mass, or 51% of the consciousness, is required to tip the scales in favor of the greater good . Focus groups are the forerunners to the repatterning of consciousness.
Coming together with like-mindeds to focus attention on the manifestation of an agreed upon goal/vision, not only empowers collective movement forward, but also produces the by-product of individual empowerment.
Keeping in mind the power of focused intent and the extraordinary way in which group synergy functions for the benefit of the whole, we will next explore the five attributes of success. The benefit of positive thoughts, dynamic will, self analysis, initiative and self control will be considered from the perspective of their impact on raising the vibratory frequency of society as a whole. We will explore the possibilities for lasting change while focusing on practical application of primary principles for conscious living. Consider the possibility that we could actually up the frequency and shift the vibration of humanity as a whole, by individually coming together in small groups to focus our intent for the greater good.
Till next time, be well and take care.
Directing this energy, in the same way a funnel directs liquid to infill a container, concentrates movement. If the content happens to be the movement of thought from a number of stimulated minds all focused on one topic of consideration, the energy expended to reach a desired result becomes focused intent. Focused intent produces momentum. When the momentum builds the ability to produce results consistent with goals and vision is always greater.
Master mind or focus groups are designed for this very purpose. To take a group of individuals pointed in the direction of the greater good and concentrate the energy into one specific focus so as to manifest an agreed upon desire, is a very powerful way to create a new reality, fast.
Napolean Hill refers to Mastermind Alliances as one of the most important factors in achieving success. This alliance intensifies concentration by creating a mass psychology which increases faith, self-reliance, imagination, creative vision, personal initiative, enthusiasm and the will to win. Working alone one is more likely to quit when the going gets tough.
Think of it this way. What happens when you have your foot on both the breaks and the gas at the same time? Nothing. You go no where, there is no movement. You are stopped. The collective unconscious, comprised of negative mental mass, made up of consensus reality, a vibrational group-focus which is heavily impacted by mainstream media, acts as that which resists movement outside the box. Trying to move forward alone in this swill of low frequency energetics, can feel like moving through molasses. Mastermind groups offer support for the process of breakthrough and are a necessary ingredient for the building of a new way of being.
Herd consciousness impacts all of us on a vibrational level. Mediocrity is born from herd consciousness. Not until a critical mass comprised of higher frequencies congeals, forming a vibrational match with higher consciousness, will we lift ourselves energetically out of that stuck vibration. transformation is really a numbers game. Critical mass, or 51% of the consciousness, is required to tip the scales in favor of the greater good . Focus groups are the forerunners to the repatterning of consciousness.
Coming together with like-mindeds to focus attention on the manifestation of an agreed upon goal/vision, not only empowers collective movement forward, but also produces the by-product of individual empowerment.
Keeping in mind the power of focused intent and the extraordinary way in which group synergy functions for the benefit of the whole, we will next explore the five attributes of success. The benefit of positive thoughts, dynamic will, self analysis, initiative and self control will be considered from the perspective of their impact on raising the vibratory frequency of society as a whole. We will explore the possibilities for lasting change while focusing on practical application of primary principles for conscious living. Consider the possibility that we could actually up the frequency and shift the vibration of humanity as a whole, by individually coming together in small groups to focus our intent for the greater good.
Till next time, be well and take care.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Focus - Here's The Beef
Meditation, visualization and verbalization are the three components necessary for the practical application of effective focusing.
First one must BE available to receive what is desired. Without context, content is spewed every which way . When I get up in the morning, consciously tune into my day by sitting still for a few minutes, anchoring myself at my center before careening out into the business of my day, I find I run more smoothly. There may not be any less chaos to cope with but the way I deal with what the day delivers is what makes the difference here.
Next, to know what to DO, what form of action to take to create what we want, is always of the utmost importance. I remember back in the early 80' when I was living in Hawaii and new to the idea of visualization, I constructed a treasure map. A treasure map, or image book, is a plan put to pictures so as to attract what is desired. I felt a little foolish at the time, a grown adult cutting and pasting pictures of men who appealed to me. However my focus at that time was relationships and so I followed the directions and covered a large piece of cardboard with the faces of good looking guys from local magazines. I then placed my creation where I could see it regularly.
A short time later I was having dinner with a friend at a local restaurant when a man walked up to our table. He happened to be someone she knew quite well and so she introduced us. He looked very familiar but I knew we had never met. As it turned out he asked for my phone number saying he'd love to get together. When I got home that night I realized he was one of the cut outs on my treasure map. He had been featured in a local magazine, the one from which I had found my pictures. I manifested what it was I had been visualizing.
To HAVE the intended result it is also particularly powerful to affirm it already done. Write it down, be specific, put it into words. Goal setting and affirmations work well for this. It isn't enough to just be 'in the space' or to only focus attention on what we picture in our minds' eye. We also have to ask for what we want. To articulate our request for good health, financial abundance, a dynamic relationship or successful business adds yet another dimension to the of process of focusing our intent.
In the next post I'll overview Focus Groups as a yet another valuable way to ensure the regular flow of positive energy.
Till then be well and take care.
First one must BE available to receive what is desired. Without context, content is spewed every which way . When I get up in the morning, consciously tune into my day by sitting still for a few minutes, anchoring myself at my center before careening out into the business of my day, I find I run more smoothly. There may not be any less chaos to cope with but the way I deal with what the day delivers is what makes the difference here.
Next, to know what to DO, what form of action to take to create what we want, is always of the utmost importance. I remember back in the early 80' when I was living in Hawaii and new to the idea of visualization, I constructed a treasure map. A treasure map, or image book, is a plan put to pictures so as to attract what is desired. I felt a little foolish at the time, a grown adult cutting and pasting pictures of men who appealed to me. However my focus at that time was relationships and so I followed the directions and covered a large piece of cardboard with the faces of good looking guys from local magazines. I then placed my creation where I could see it regularly.
A short time later I was having dinner with a friend at a local restaurant when a man walked up to our table. He happened to be someone she knew quite well and so she introduced us. He looked very familiar but I knew we had never met. As it turned out he asked for my phone number saying he'd love to get together. When I got home that night I realized he was one of the cut outs on my treasure map. He had been featured in a local magazine, the one from which I had found my pictures. I manifested what it was I had been visualizing.
To HAVE the intended result it is also particularly powerful to affirm it already done. Write it down, be specific, put it into words. Goal setting and affirmations work well for this. It isn't enough to just be 'in the space' or to only focus attention on what we picture in our minds' eye. We also have to ask for what we want. To articulate our request for good health, financial abundance, a dynamic relationship or successful business adds yet another dimension to the of process of focusing our intent.
In the next post I'll overview Focus Groups as a yet another valuable way to ensure the regular flow of positive energy.
Till then be well and take care.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Repetition -The Mother of Skill
I don't know about you, but I tend to get into ruts. Whatever I do more than 2 or 3 times in succession, I tend to repeat and repeat and repeat. There just seems to be something energetic that lures me back into the same behavior pattern, time and time again. The more I do something, the more that 'thing' takes on an energy of its own, fueling the act of repetition.
Having recognized the degree to which repetition influences behavior and forms patterns, I decided to see if I could put a positive spin on the negative energy associated with habitual thinking, habitual behavior and even habitual day dreaming.
Because the repetitive ramping up of negativity actually pollutes the energy field, forming a vibrational build up, higher frequencies are undermined. Becoming consciously aware each time I veered toward this abyss of darkness, I was able to form an inroad to positivity, replacing the old negative structure with higher frequency vibration. This way I am and able to sculpt my future energetically, the way I want it.
Harnessing this energy has quite inspired me. Seeing what is possible and what I can deliberately create using intentional affirming pointed toward a desired result, has put me at cause instead of at effect of former conditioning. A new track for conscious living gets set in place and new patterns for positive thinking replace negative programming.
Before getting this very important piece in place, I was on a downward spiral and at the effect of the energy of habitual behavior patterns, much the same way my mother was. I clearly remember her repeating time and time again as she way attempting to thread a needle, that she was blind in one eye and couldn't see out of the other. By the time she was in her 60s she was literally blind in one eye and had difficulty seeing properly out of the other eye. The repetition of her belief was eventually made manifest through affirmation.
Using positive affirmations, statements reflecting holistic truth, not only inspires at a conscious level but also imprints patterns of belief at the subconscious level of awareness as well. To repeat anything with consistency is a sure fire way to manifest congruent with that belief. As architects of our reality, mastering the skill of repetition, by keeping the mind occupied with uplifting thoughts, is key to repatterning.
It isn't enough however to merely have this in place at the intellectual level. This resonates only with the vibe of superficiality. We must take it deeper into our psyche. Vigilance to changing the silent self talk, as well as the audible content of our conversations with others, is of the utmost importance for raising ones vibration.
I start each day by affirming that I am always in the right place at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activities. I also affirm success, prosperity, excellent health, balance and harmony. This way no matter what comes up during the day, I know I am on purpose. And if I do get side tracked, wander off on either a mental or emotional tangent, the energetic frequency associated with the positive tracts I've laid using supportive affirmations, quickly triggers my awareness and alerts me to the fact that I need to get back on course.
The use of repetition to affirm positive action sets up a vibratory frequency or energetic context for the content of life to happen into. As consistency increases so does the momentum of the energy associated with it. Soon new programming is anchored in and a new structure in consciousness built.
Repetition is just one simple, yet effective and powerful tool we can use to develop the skills necessary for conscious living, while cultivating and sustaining well-being.
Having recognized the degree to which repetition influences behavior and forms patterns, I decided to see if I could put a positive spin on the negative energy associated with habitual thinking, habitual behavior and even habitual day dreaming.
Because the repetitive ramping up of negativity actually pollutes the energy field, forming a vibrational build up, higher frequencies are undermined. Becoming consciously aware each time I veered toward this abyss of darkness, I was able to form an inroad to positivity, replacing the old negative structure with higher frequency vibration. This way I am and able to sculpt my future energetically, the way I want it.
Harnessing this energy has quite inspired me. Seeing what is possible and what I can deliberately create using intentional affirming pointed toward a desired result, has put me at cause instead of at effect of former conditioning. A new track for conscious living gets set in place and new patterns for positive thinking replace negative programming.
Before getting this very important piece in place, I was on a downward spiral and at the effect of the energy of habitual behavior patterns, much the same way my mother was. I clearly remember her repeating time and time again as she way attempting to thread a needle, that she was blind in one eye and couldn't see out of the other. By the time she was in her 60s she was literally blind in one eye and had difficulty seeing properly out of the other eye. The repetition of her belief was eventually made manifest through affirmation.
Using positive affirmations, statements reflecting holistic truth, not only inspires at a conscious level but also imprints patterns of belief at the subconscious level of awareness as well. To repeat anything with consistency is a sure fire way to manifest congruent with that belief. As architects of our reality, mastering the skill of repetition, by keeping the mind occupied with uplifting thoughts, is key to repatterning.
It isn't enough however to merely have this in place at the intellectual level. This resonates only with the vibe of superficiality. We must take it deeper into our psyche. Vigilance to changing the silent self talk, as well as the audible content of our conversations with others, is of the utmost importance for raising ones vibration.
I start each day by affirming that I am always in the right place at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activities. I also affirm success, prosperity, excellent health, balance and harmony. This way no matter what comes up during the day, I know I am on purpose. And if I do get side tracked, wander off on either a mental or emotional tangent, the energetic frequency associated with the positive tracts I've laid using supportive affirmations, quickly triggers my awareness and alerts me to the fact that I need to get back on course.
The use of repetition to affirm positive action sets up a vibratory frequency or energetic context for the content of life to happen into. As consistency increases so does the momentum of the energy associated with it. Soon new programming is anchored in and a new structure in consciousness built.
Repetition is just one simple, yet effective and powerful tool we can use to develop the skills necessary for conscious living, while cultivating and sustaining well-being.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Value of Consistency
I have a friend in Canada who has been recouping from injuries produced by the impact of life hitting her hard. Her encounter with an out of control auto moving at the speed of light, left her all broken up. It has literally taken years for her to reconstruct herself physically, mentally and emotionally.
I mention this because she has been quite the inspiration for me. Her ability to hold focus, not give up or give way to a drug induced state to avoid the tumult of pain she's had to process, is truly admirable. I find it challenging some days to even leverage myself enough to move beyond the pain associated with fear. The common denominator between myself and my friend however, is consistency.
My daily method of operation (D.M.O.) is the strongest thread in my tapestry of life. When I don't consciously weave that in, when I allow the day to blow me around like dust in the wind, I loose my bearings fast. Operating off course renders me off purpose and even more easily taken over by doubt and fear. My results suffer and I become at effect instead of at cause.
Personally I've never been big on discipline, although I do find value in routine, at the same time I want the freedom to be spontaneous. I've found that by employing the power of consistency through the my D.M.O. I actually create the space to feel more freedom, than when I fly by the seat of my pants. Developing the fine art of consistency has served to ground me in a good and conscious way. When I am grounded I am much more apt to venture into new areas of exploration, which always expands my horizon, opening the door to greater possibilities.
Conscious living requires we lay new tracks from which new structures emerge and a new reality built. To up your frequency and shift your vibration requires an energy upgrade. For me, consistency in my regular daily method of operation has proven to be an essential main ingredient for sustaining resonation with conscious living.
The next few posts will include useful information on the practical application of "The Elements of Consistency". In the next entry I will illustrate the power behind repetition, how it works in the creation of reality and how to use it to enhance both personal and professional well-being. Till then, be well and take care!
I mention this because she has been quite the inspiration for me. Her ability to hold focus, not give up or give way to a drug induced state to avoid the tumult of pain she's had to process, is truly admirable. I find it challenging some days to even leverage myself enough to move beyond the pain associated with fear. The common denominator between myself and my friend however, is consistency.
My daily method of operation (D.M.O.) is the strongest thread in my tapestry of life. When I don't consciously weave that in, when I allow the day to blow me around like dust in the wind, I loose my bearings fast. Operating off course renders me off purpose and even more easily taken over by doubt and fear. My results suffer and I become at effect instead of at cause.
Personally I've never been big on discipline, although I do find value in routine, at the same time I want the freedom to be spontaneous. I've found that by employing the power of consistency through the my D.M.O. I actually create the space to feel more freedom, than when I fly by the seat of my pants. Developing the fine art of consistency has served to ground me in a good and conscious way. When I am grounded I am much more apt to venture into new areas of exploration, which always expands my horizon, opening the door to greater possibilities.
Conscious living requires we lay new tracks from which new structures emerge and a new reality built. To up your frequency and shift your vibration requires an energy upgrade. For me, consistency in my regular daily method of operation has proven to be an essential main ingredient for sustaining resonation with conscious living.
The next few posts will include useful information on the practical application of "The Elements of Consistency". In the next entry I will illustrate the power behind repetition, how it works in the creation of reality and how to use it to enhance both personal and professional well-being. Till then, be well and take care!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Decisions For Success
If you're not familiar w/Andy Andrews, check out his book The Traveler' Gift, he's amazing and it's an inspiring read.
Here's a few thoughts to mull over, a taste of what you'll get to wrap your head around, while careening through the fascinating fast-paced fantasy he weaves throughout a banquet of high vibe info.
Here's a quote from page 204 - great food for thought :
"The buck stops here. I am responsible for my past and my future. I will seek wisdom, I will be a servant to others. I am a person of action. I seize this moment. I choose now. I have a decided heart. My destiny is assured. Today I will choose to be happy. I am the possessor of a grateful spirit. I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit. I will forgive myself. I will persist without exception. I am a person of great faith".
The Joy In The Moment INSPIRED TIP - New personal development movie. . . . You can find out more and purchase this at http://knowforyourself.com AND get a $5.00 discount when you use coupon code 148251 . My personal opinion - This is the practical application and upshot to 'The Secret' - Till next time take care and be well.
Here's a few thoughts to mull over, a taste of what you'll get to wrap your head around, while careening through the fascinating fast-paced fantasy he weaves throughout a banquet of high vibe info.
Here's a quote from page 204 - great food for thought :
"The buck stops here. I am responsible for my past and my future. I will seek wisdom, I will be a servant to others. I am a person of action. I seize this moment. I choose now. I have a decided heart. My destiny is assured. Today I will choose to be happy. I am the possessor of a grateful spirit. I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit. I will forgive myself. I will persist without exception. I am a person of great faith".
The Joy In The Moment INSPIRED TIP - New personal development movie. . . . You can find out more and purchase this at http://knowforyourself.com AND get a $5.00 discount when you use coupon code 148251 . My personal opinion - This is the practical application and upshot to 'The Secret' - Till next time take care and be well.
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