About Me

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States
I've worked in the field of human potential deveopment for over 25 years. My current focus is soul/energy clearing and balancing. I work in tandem with Spiritual Hierarchy to clear, revitalize and balance soul and subtle body energies. This work vibrationally aligns the energy with the frequencies of love, gratitude, peace and joy producing health on all levels of being.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Personal Certainty - Knowing For Myself

I never thought much about cultivating a relationship with personal certainty. Until recently I've always felt pretty much tuned in to the world around me. At present however, I am needing to know more about that which I don't have time to learn or study, and so I have no choice but to call upon my natural knowing, my ability to sense the vibrational alignment with something, or not.

The hi tech world of the .com generation is challenging for me because it causes me to have to be really awake and alert, no time to go on autopilot here. I am being given the opportunity via my need to interact with the internet in my business, to listen with different ears, so as to hear the drumming of an authentic beat.

The vibration of our own knowing actually pulsates to a very high frequency. Just as dogs can hear tones we can't, so too can we tune in to that part of who we are which recognizes the difference between what's a go and what's a no. Weather we are 'educated' about the subject in question or not makes little difference, we either 'get it' or not. In a world filled with hype and half truths I've found it mandatory to cultivate the ability to know for myself.

Fear of the unknown had me stopped for a while but at the point at which I realized there was no hoover, I was either moving forward or going backwards, I became willing to do something different. Interestingly enough I took to the fine art of social networking like a duck to water. I am happy to say that so far Twitter, Facebook, and Linked In are showing the promise of becoming healthy relationships with good potential. Becoming internet savvy at the business level at first appeared to be a somewhat daunting learning curve. However as a result I've developed a stronger grip on my ability to know for myself.

Interestingly enough I'm about the business of promoting a new DVD which is all about learning how to 'know for yourself'. Given that we are in the throws of the 'miss'information age, a quagmire of half truths as thick as pea soup, we have to 'cowgirl up' (as one of my Twitter associates puts it). We have no choice but to become as aware as possible of how to determine what is so and what is not so.

Knowing for ourselves looks like becoming response ABLE so as to bring clarity and percision to our decision making process. Gone are the days when it is even an option to roll over and hit the snooze alarm, there's just to much hanging in the balance.

And so then learning how to determine for myself what the correct next steps were for me to take in effectively working with the internet, I had no choice but to rely on my inner knowing of what resonated and what didn't. Developing a relationship with the part of me that always knows is the most valued tool in my personal development tool box.

The new personal development movie Know For Yourself starts where The Secret left off. Learning how to apply the principles associated with the Law of Attraction is the difference between just having a hot car and knowing how to drive a hot car.

The energy in the trailer supplies enough of a high tech hit to trigger a vibration congruent with new octave awareness. This movie instantly conveys an enthusiasm for cultivating the ability to know from within, instead of depending on outside sources for information upon which to base a decision.

We have arrived at that place where this information is pertinent to our well-being, it is an instrument we can use to chart a new course in our desire to move forward. Without using the right key, the door will not be unlocked. We must learn how to deepen our relationship with our ability to know for ourselves, or we are in for a collision with fate.

The truth is, we must surpass our fate to meet our destiny - www.knowforyourself.com. coupon code 148251

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