About Me

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States
I've worked in the field of human potential deveopment for over 25 years. My current focus is soul/energy clearing and balancing. I work in tandem with Spiritual Hierarchy to clear, revitalize and balance soul and subtle body energies. This work vibrationally aligns the energy with the frequencies of love, gratitude, peace and joy producing health on all levels of being.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Repetition -The Mother of Skill

I don't know about you, but I tend to get into ruts. Whatever I do more than 2 or 3 times in succession, I tend to repeat and repeat and repeat. There just seems to be something energetic that lures me back into the same behavior pattern, time and time again. The more I do something, the more that 'thing' takes on an energy of its own, fueling the act of repetition.

Having recognized the degree to which repetition influences behavior and forms patterns, I decided to see if I could put a positive spin on the negative energy associated with habitual thinking, habitual behavior and even habitual day dreaming.

Because the repetitive ramping up of negativity actually pollutes the energy field, forming a vibrational build up, higher frequencies are undermined. Becoming consciously aware each time I veered toward this abyss of darkness, I was able to form an inroad to positivity, replacing the old negative structure with higher frequency vibration. This way I am and able to sculpt my future energetically, the way I want it.

Harnessing this energy has quite inspired me. Seeing what is possible and what I can deliberately create using intentional affirming pointed toward a desired result, has put me at cause instead of at effect of former conditioning. A new track for conscious living gets set in place and new patterns for positive thinking replace negative programming.

Before getting this very important piece in place, I was on a downward spiral and at the effect of the energy of habitual behavior patterns, much the same way my mother was. I clearly remember her repeating time and time again as she way attempting to thread a needle, that she was blind in one eye and couldn't see out of the other. By the time she was in her 60s she was literally blind in one eye and had difficulty seeing properly out of the other eye. The repetition of her belief was eventually made manifest through affirmation.

Using positive affirmations, statements reflecting holistic truth, not only inspires at a conscious level but also imprints patterns of belief at the subconscious level of awareness as well. To repeat anything with consistency is a sure fire way to manifest congruent with that belief. As architects of our reality, mastering the skill of repetition, by keeping the mind occupied with uplifting thoughts, is key to repatterning.

It isn't enough however to merely have this in place at the intellectual level. This resonates only with the vibe of superficiality. We must take it deeper into our psyche. Vigilance to changing the silent self talk, as well as the audible content of our conversations with others, is of the utmost importance for raising ones vibration.

I start each day by affirming that I am always in the right place at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activities. I also affirm success, prosperity, excellent health, balance and harmony. This way no matter what comes up during the day, I know I am on purpose. And if I do get side tracked, wander off on either a mental or emotional tangent, the energetic frequency associated with the positive tracts I've laid using supportive affirmations, quickly triggers my awareness and alerts me to the fact that I need to get back on course.

The use of repetition to affirm positive action sets up a vibratory frequency or energetic context for the content of life to happen into. As consistency increases so does the momentum of the energy associated with it. Soon new programming is anchored in and a new structure in consciousness built.

Repetition is just one simple, yet effective and powerful tool we can use to develop the skills necessary for conscious living, while cultivating and sustaining well-being.

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