About Me

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States
I've worked in the field of human potential deveopment for over 25 years. My current focus is soul/energy clearing and balancing. I work in tandem with Spiritual Hierarchy to clear, revitalize and balance soul and subtle body energies. This work vibrationally aligns the energy with the frequencies of love, gratitude, peace and joy producing health on all levels of being.

Friday, December 12, 2008

December 12th Full Moon

This last moon of autum is aligned with the sun and earth - closest to the earth. This alignment sets up an intensified gravitational pull, which translates as hightened power. This intensity of energy can manifest as anything from a tidal wave in the earth's larger bodies of water, to a roiling ocean of movement in our own individual psyches. Regardless weather we 'feel' the juice or not, this full moon finds us at a crossroad where we must align our actions with our beliefs.

What no longer works is being exposed. Goddess Hina is shinning her light in such a way as to illumine for us that which we must say and do. The need for a quantum leap is being revealed. In short, nothing less than addressing the REAL issues head on, as well as questioning our assumptions, is what's up.

Perhaps asking "What is True for me NOW" will trigger an opening into that place where answers wait on welcome. With everything shifting and changing so rapidly, what may have been real yesterday, is not today. Clarity always empowers.

Whatever keeps us in suffering and separation is breaking down. As we re-member that within us which is divine and unified, we move out of the old and up into the new. Nothing short of total reform is what we can expect from now through 2010. With that said, know that our relationship to courage will be sparked, as we feel the urg to act on our convictions.

By using our creativity to bring into form what we desire, we weave our own personal piece into the larger tapestry of the cosmic story. This new reality of higher ocatve awareness enlivens us, insuring that Joy cannot be far behind.

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