About Me

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States
I've worked in the field of human potential deveopment for over 25 years. My current focus is soul/energy clearing and balancing. I work in tandem with Spiritual Hierarchy to clear, revitalize and balance soul and subtle body energies. This work vibrationally aligns the energy with the frequencies of love, gratitude, peace and joy producing health on all levels of being.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Guides Read Me

The first thing they said was "You are being invited by Sedona to move here as soon as possible".

“They” are my guides. One male one female who spoke with me for about an hour through Carol Sydney (author of Wisdom of The Masters). I had a session with Carol as a result of a notice I saw in Sedona Journal. The unusual thing about this is that I don’t usually read the Sedona Journal AND her notice was in the Classifieds, which I never look at.

The second thing the guides said was “you are a Bumble Bee. You flit from flower to flower then home to feed the Queen. . . .it’s time to drink the nectar from the flower yourself.” They also said it would be harder for me to receive than give. Even though receiving is instinctive, it can be embarrassing they offered, because at that point, true worth is noticed. "Receiving is a necessity for Self-love however, it is not aggrandizement" they insisted.

“It’s time for you to become “visible”, speak your Truth, recognize greatness”. They continued by saying they knew this was a challenge for me, as safety has always been synonymous with hiding (old patterns from childhood, layered programing).

They suggested that getting involved with investments was not proposed for me. “You do not need to “earn” a gift”. “Receiving is about being open to receiving love. You’ll come to a place of harmony with this and learn to stop working as you value yourself in a True way”. At this point I think my silence suggested disbelief or at least apprehension, and so they added “Do you wish to be enslaved to an old order” .

“The joy of giving they said raises the vibratory frequency, thus attracting a high vibration which brings in more”.
I was given a task – to remember who I am and offer service for the price of joy.

“Truth is, what you desire corresponds with what you perceive, it is the manifestation of ask and you shall receive, which is from the old paradigm however. That energy has been upgraded to a higher freqency. In this new vibration, desire and you shall receive, no effort of asking is needed. And do not limit desire”.

They also mentioned that I was here on earth to lead, not follow and that it was time to stop pretending that I was stupid. These guides say they have been with me since before birth and it appears so, as they just seemed to have the inside track on the ins and outs of me, including the "inner Italian". They told me what I was calling anger was really passion and not to worry, all was as it should be (that was a load off).

When I asked if I would ever be able to see them they said of course, telling me I already had. They presented themselves to me once vocally and once visually. I clearly remember both episodes - the bamboo forest in Hanna on Maui in 93 and atop Ayres Rock in the middle of Australia in 94. Each experience awed me inexplicably.

They went on to say how the Truth about my greatness brings up grief from the past and that my desire to succeed currently is fraught by the fear of such. Because they recognized how I’ve been punished for my brilliance in the past, they stressed that the Truth is not shameful. “Truth brings light and light brings joy” they continued. They reminded me that my greatest asset is that I know the “Truth”.

They asked if I was prepared and I answered by saying something prefaced by 'I couldn't afford'. They responded with “ILLIMINATE I CANNOT AFFORD”. Replace this they said with “I really desire this or that – anything that sounds happy –and what I desire will certainly be provided. Receiving is easier than manifesting they said, because it is a “Be” not a “Do”. The secret is to laugh in the face of those who say it is not possible – embrace all this and all fear will disappear. "It’s actually arrogant to assume that the universe does not provide in every moment".

I’ve not lost myself they said, rather I’ve begun to find myself. And part of that finding of myself (at an even deeper level) can be beefed up by answering the call to live in Sedona, which they assured me is much different than being a tourist there, something I’ve done many times. I balked a little however as I've had my heart set on the north west, Vancouver Island area to be exact. . . and then I realized if I "desire" to live in both places, both places to live will be provided!!

And yes Leo, my precious four legged feline companion, is delighted to be with me and accompany me wherever I go, including red rock country, they confirmed. Interestingly enough when I asked if he was up for the lengthy journey, they said he was asking the same about me. It seems he thinks I am “old” – this made me howl with laughter, which they loved because they love the mindless state of joyous expression that laughter precipitates.

They concluded by letting me know what I have always known, but sometimes forget.. . .I am well blessed. They suggested that working with Mother Mary would be a plus for me too, as her energy was present throughout the reading. Also, the spiritual hierarchy supports me in taking a 'leap of faith' - a catagory into which driving off into the sunset, to split my time between the south west and the north west, most certainly falls.

I felt like I was about four feet off the ground when the session concluded. I’d been loved up bunches, energetically chucked under the chin by "MY GUIDES". I'd spent over an hour in conversation with formless beings of light on another dimension, the flow directors of my earth mission - WOOHOO!! I slept deep and long all night.

Joy sighting of the day: CAROL SYDNEY - offering readings free of charge through the end of November. She can be reached at 928-284-5373

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