About Me

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States
I've worked in the field of human potential deveopment for over 25 years. My current focus is soul/energy clearing and balancing. I work in tandem with Spiritual Hierarchy to clear, revitalize and balance soul and subtle body energies. This work vibrationally aligns the energy with the frequencies of love, gratitude, peace and joy producing health on all levels of being.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I can feel it, this upward draft of energy moving to the cadence of a different frequency. It's like being in an altered state sometimes. I'm thinking this is the new energy of Joy I'm tapping into. This good feeling, the one I'm calling Joy, this appears to be the next energetic building block in the structure of the new reality.

Because I am so enjoying this new vibration, and because I know others must be picking up on this as well, it dawned on me that I could offer a place for the sharing of our experience, thus the creation of this blogg.

Participation is welcome here in the form of inspired words, photos, insights and awareness into the new energy afoot, and especially any sharings of random sightings of Joy surfacing in ordinary living. When I see or feel something as good as this, regardless how fleeting, I like to make a big deal about it, so as to attract more of the same.

This Full Moon happening now, actually it is being called a SuperMoon due to its close approach to the earth, feels like the perfect time to go fourth and launch this blogg. SuperMoons function like laser beams, allowing for a most direct stream of energy toward one point. For just about a year now we have been hit with economic upheaval and increasing breakdowns of hierarchical structures. . . during this Full SuperMoon we begin moving in a different direction. Gateways to higher dimensional realities are opening as well - indeed a time for celebration.

This SuperMoon energy is amplified by planetary alignments protending expansion and opportunity. Bottom line - it's time to face fear, own our power, and let go of that which is decaying, making room for new higher frequency energy.

Joy catch for the day: I watched a smile on the face of an older woman who didn't know she was being watched, roll like a wave of ecstacy across her whole face, brightening my world and returning her to the innosence of a child.

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