About Me

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States
I've worked in the field of human potential deveopment for over 25 years. My current focus is soul/energy clearing and balancing. I work in tandem with Spiritual Hierarchy to clear, revitalize and balance soul and subtle body energies. This work vibrationally aligns the energy with the frequencies of love, gratitude, peace and joy producing health on all levels of being.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Focus - Here's The Beef

Meditation, visualization and verbalization are the three components necessary for the practical application of effective focusing.

First one must BE available to receive what is desired. Without context, content is spewed every which way . When I get up in the morning, consciously tune into my day by sitting still for a few minutes, anchoring myself at my center before careening out into the business of my day, I find I run more smoothly. There may not be any less chaos to cope with but the way I deal with what the day delivers is what makes the difference here.

Next, to know what to DO, what form of action to take to create what we want, is always of the utmost importance. I remember back in the early 80' when I was living in Hawaii and new to the idea of visualization, I constructed a treasure map. A treasure map, or image book, is a plan put to pictures so as to attract what is desired. I felt a little foolish at the time, a grown adult cutting and pasting pictures of men who appealed to me. However my focus at that time was relationships and so I followed the directions and covered a large piece of cardboard with the faces of good looking guys from local magazines. I then placed my creation where I could see it regularly.

A short time later I was having dinner with a friend at a local restaurant when a man walked up to our table. He happened to be someone she knew quite well and so she introduced us. He looked very familiar but I knew we had never met. As it turned out he asked for my phone number saying he'd love to get together. When I got home that night I realized he was one of the cut outs on my treasure map. He had been featured in a local magazine, the one from which I had found my pictures. I manifested what it was I had been visualizing.

To HAVE the intended result it is also particularly powerful to affirm it already done. Write it down, be specific, put it into words. Goal setting and affirmations work well for this. It isn't enough to just be 'in the space' or to only focus attention on what we picture in our minds' eye. We also have to ask for what we want. To articulate our request for good health, financial abundance, a dynamic relationship or successful business adds yet another dimension to the of process of focusing our intent.

In the next post I'll overview Focus Groups as a yet another valuable way to ensure the regular flow of positive energy.

Till then be well and take care.

1 comment:

Unknown said...